Home » Rai, Salvini wants to weaken Berlusconi. What’s behind the “off the fee”

Rai, Salvini wants to weaken Berlusconi. What’s behind the “off the fee”

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Rai, Salvini wants to weaken Berlusconi.  What’s behind the “off the fee”

Rai, Salvini and the move on anti-Berlusconi advertising

On the Rai not only are there ongoing clashes between the majority and the opposition, with the operation that is carrying out the government to revolutionize everything and corner i reporters uncomfortable or too much line up with the left. But there would also be one internal challenge between the government parties and in particular between the Lega e Come on Italy. Listen to Matthew Salvinithe Rai fee will not have long life: is to be abolished. But after this declaration – we read in La Stampa – the alliance between the other two majority parties immediately took off: Fdi e FI: “It’s not in the program. The license fee will not be abolished.” For Forza Italia, Salvini’s is a direct attack to the companies of the Berlusconi family.

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Abolish the feein fact – continues La Stampa – would oblige Rai ad increase advertising space at the expense of Mediaset. And this, for the force supporters, is perhaps the greatest affront one can suffer from an ally. The climate has warmed up, without, however, igniting, because after all the agreement built in recent months with Giorgia Melons – they explain from the Cav party – it is also based on a kind of “guarantee” that the jewels of the Berlusconi family will come as far as possible preserve yourself. And in fact, speaking with La Stampa, the deputy Francesco Filini, group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Rai Supervisory Commission, wants to be as clear as possible: “On our part there is no no intention to abolish the fee“.

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