Home » Government prepares decree law to face the economic consequences of the El Niño Phenomenon – Diario La Hora

Government prepares decree law to face the economic consequences of the El Niño Phenomenon – Diario La Hora

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Government prepares decree law to face the economic consequences of the El Niño Phenomenon – Diario La Hora

The El Niño Phenomenon, with its heavy rains and havoc, can generate losses and damages, which is why the Lasso administration is looking at regulations to facilitate public contracting and help private businesses.

The Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries, Julio José Prado, announced this June 5, 2023, during an interview in Ecuavisa, that work is being done on an economic emergency law decree that allows facing the consequences of the phenomenon of El Child.

The increase in rainfall has already been felt in provinces such as Esmeraldas; but the greatest destructive potential would begin to activate from August.

“We are analyzing the most appropriate issues, to boost the recovery, during and after El Niño,” Prado said.

The initiative would include actions for facilities for small and medium-sized companies that have economic losses or bankruptcies.

Likewise, measures will be included so that public purchases for emergencies are faster and more effective.

Last week, Economy Minister Pablo Arosemena had already announced that the government had at least four decree laws ready to be sent to the Constitutional Court. However, the shipments are slowed down because the Court has not yet processed the first two decree laws: tax reform and free zones.

For this reason, Minister Prado called for the review processes to be expedited because the country has multiple needs and urgency. (JS)

FACT.- On June 6, 2023, the Constitutional Court will begin processing the decree law with the tax reform. The following June 8, 2023, it will be the turn of the decree law on free zones.

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Government aims to play the letter of economic emergency law decrees to reduce more taxes and boost the economy – Diario La Hora

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