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Is it possible to apply for free in Selectividad?

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Is it possible to apply for free in Selectividad?

06/06/2023 at 05:44


Students who do not come supported by an academic center will also have to meet a series of requirements and follow some procedures to enroll.

The most feared days for second-year high school students are approaching. The Selectivity 2022whose official name varies depending on the autonomous community, will mark the passage of many adolescents to university life. But, yes, before they will have to successfully pass the exams and, in many cases, do it so well that it allows them to reach the cut-off mark that gives access to the degree they have chosen.

As usual, the students they can get up to 14 if they take the specific tests of each itinerary. And it is that there are several universities that ask for more than a 13 to study certain careers. And it is that, one more year, the EBU is structured in two phases: the general (between 4 and 5 subjects and exams depending on the autonomous community) and the specific (optional, to raise grades, and up to 4 extra subjects for Baccalaureate except in the Balearic Islands, Catalonia and Navarra, where only 3 are possible).

Although most of the students who take the exams do so with the support of an educational center (those in charge of the bureaucratic procedures), the truth is that they also there is the option to apply for free. Of course, for this it is necessary to comply with a series of procedures and a series of requirements.

  • Have a Spanish Baccalaureate degree or equivalent (COU) or a Higher Vocational Training degree.
  • In case you want to raise a note in the specific ones, the student must have passed the university entrance test (PAU) or EvAU in a previous call.
  • If you have studied outside of Spain, a degree equivalent to the recognized Spanish Baccalaureate.
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The registration forms in the Selectivity 2022 can be filled out through the university websites. In them it is necessary to specify the subjects of which the student will be examined.

The term, traditionally, closes at the end of May or beginning of June. Then the fixed rates imposed by each autonomous community will have to be paid.

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