Home » Hot search first!Bao Beifang denied that chat records were transmitted online, and the studio said it called the police today | Daily Economic News

Hot search first!Bao Beifang denied that chat records were transmitted online, and the studio said it called the police today | Daily Economic News

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On August 4, the official Weibo of “Bao Beier Studio” denied the transmission of chat records online, saying that some netizens had spread a large number of vicious rumors about Mr. Bao Beier’s chat records through various social platforms. The studio communicated with the lawyer as soon as possible, and after discussion, it will report to the police today.

Baobell Studio stated that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and it is not zero cost to spread rumors. It is hoped that the majority of netizens will be cautious in their words and deeds, do not believe in rumors or spread rumors, and jointly maintain and create a good network environment. The studio will continue to resolutely resist actions that infringe upon others’ rights, such as creating rumors and spreading rumors, and safeguard Bao Bell’s legitimate rights and interests.

After Bao Bei’s studio released the above article, the topic of “Bao Bei Fang’s alarm” was “exploded” on the afternoon of the 4th and ranked first in the hot search on Weibo.

Jing Boran, who was also involved in the turmoil of online chat records, also posted a message in response to the rumors. On the evening of August 3, “Mr. Xiaojing Studio” certified by Sina as the official Weibo of Jing Boran Studio issued a statement saying that some netizens had spread a large number of chat records about Jing Boran’s vicious rumors, considering the seriousness of the incident. After discussing with Jing Boran, the studio finally decided to call the police and accompanied the artist to the police station at 22:00 on the evening of the 3rd.

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Source: Daily Economic News Comprehensive “Bao Bell Studio” Weibo, “Mr. Xiaojing Studio” Weibo

Source of cover image: Photo by reporter Zhang Jian

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