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==Pope: surgeons, ‘now rest and healthy diet for Francis’ – Healthcare

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==Pope: surgeons, ‘now rest and healthy diet for Francis’ – Healthcare

(ANSA) – ROME, 08 JUNE – “Post-operative recovery is immediate but rest is needed.

And above all, a more controlled diet is needed”. Thus the professor of general surgery at the Tor Vergata University of Rome Giovanni Milito, speaking to the Messenger of the Pope’s operation. Incisional hernia, he explains, “when one undergoes an operation such as which Pope Francis underwent, it can happen. It is a fairly standardized surface intervention: since the muscles are no longer able to close the wall, a prosthesis is used, a mesh that contains the walls of the abdomen”. “Recovery – he continues – is immediate, however the patient must rest for a while. Typically, it takes 7-15 days for physical activity. But you have to rest, because the net has to settle well. The patient must lose weight and ensure good intestinal passage. A controlled diet is needed.”

On the other hand, Francesco Corcione, former professor in Naples and president emeritus of the Italian Society of Surgery, intervenes on the QN: for the intervention, he claims, “we could not wait. This is a situation that can only get worse”. For an 86-year-old patient undergoing surgery “the risk is always high, but there are no alternatives. So it is better to intervene without having to go to the emergency, with the risk of perforations or another resection of the intestine. If the Papa hadn’t had the operation, he would have run a three times higher risk”.

Now the convalescence: “He must rest much more than in the other operation. Slow convalescence, therefore, of at least 40-60 days. The Pope must observe a regimen, not I’m saying total rest, but very light activity. No travel.

For a couple of months he will have to be content with looking out the window in Piazza San Pietro for the Angelus”. (ANSA).

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