Home » Doctor no-vax Silvana De Mari disbarred from the Order of Doctors: “I’m proud of it, I’ve saved thousands of lives”

Doctor no-vax Silvana De Mari disbarred from the Order of Doctors: “I’m proud of it, I’ve saved thousands of lives”

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“Con infinite pride I communicate that on date June 6th I received the communication of the decision of the commission for members of theRegister of Surgeons of the province of Torino on the handling of my disciplinary proceedings: disqualification from the Order of Doctors“. To speak proudly in a movie posted in his blog on Facebook is Silvana De Mariaffected by the definitive measure issued by theOrder of doctors of Turin who had suspended her in 2021 for refusing the vaccine against the Covid.

By Mari65 years old, also a writer of fantasy books, is in fact one convinced no-vax and he never made a secret of his positions: “For all the time of the so-called pandemic I made statements, or rather utterances as my colleagues write, which they have saved thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of people,” he said commenting on the measure. The now ex-doctor also recommended for months “unusual” remedies such as cod liver oil, of which she, she assures, “a few months ago she was confirmed by the University of Oslo its prodigious action in preventing infection Covid 19 or at least in decreasing its severity”.

The 65-year-old is also thrown several times against the use of several medicines, stating that “it is wrong to inject drugs whose package leaflet says: the long-term effects are not known and the effects of carcinogenicity are not known. In this moment where the Italian people are scourged by strange new epidemics of sudden and fatal illness, of myocarditis and pericarditis, of cancers so violent that the term was coined turbo cancer – added the woman -, it is an honor be disbarred from Orders who imposed these drugs. Thanks to my words, thousands of people have refused the inoculation of the drugs in question. I am infinitely proud of it. In the next few days we will discuss all the points of the 14 pages of motivation“, he concluded.

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He spoke on the provision involving the 65-year-old Twitter even the infectious disease specialist Matthew Bassettiwho had been repeatedly targeted by the former doctor: “Silvana De Mari was finally disbarred fromOrder of doctors of Turin for its positions no-vax e unscientific. Many doctors, including myself, have been subjected to attacks, even violent ones, by him. Let’s hope it’s just there first disbarred of a long series of other doctors who have chosen to go against the medical-scientific evidence. Anyone who is against vaccines must not and cannot be a doctor. It must be a rule that applies to all Doctors’ orders. Not just for that of Torinoto whom compliments go for the courage and strength of this action”, concluded the director of the department Infectious diseases of the polyclinic San Martino of Genoa.

Silvana De Mari also ended up in the spotlight for her extremely critical interventions against the LGBT community they homosexuals: in fact, she was sued for defamation and convicted by the Court of Turin for several statements, including the one that thehomosexuality it would be a practice “against nature”, comparable to Satanism. According to giudice the 65-year-old “offended on several occasions the honor and reputation of people with homosexual tendencies”, arguing that “tolerating homosexuality is equivalent to accepting paedophilia”.

Photo taken from the official Facebook profile of Silvana De Mari

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