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The press cannot genuflect – news

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The press cannot genuflect – news

By Aura Isabel Olano Correa

As director of the media and as a journalist, I must vehemently reject the permanent disqualifications and stigmatization that the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro Urrego, makes of the press in general and journalists in particular, who not only seeks to discredit them, but rather, with his aggressive words, he puts them in the den of the wolf, that is, of violent characters that any day could threaten the integrity of the journalists indicated by those who have the duty to defend freedom of the press and expression in a democratic and pluralistic society.

It is not possible that the Head of State, who embodies the majesty of the Nation, manifests so much anger, when, paradoxically, he refers to his Government as the ‘government of love’ and says he is committed to “Total Peace”, while he attacks and he yells, because he does not forgive the media for pointing out his mistakes, which in just 10 months in office are many and in various fields. Those who do not have inner peace can hardly find it in others.

His authoritarianism has blinded him, he hunts fights daily, as if that were a delicacy for him; He is looking for a fight because he does not like the rulings of the judges, nor the investigations by the Prosecutor’s Office, nor the rulings of the magistrates, nor the information issued by the media, nor the comments of some columnists who point out his mistakes. I would like, apparently, that everything was praise for him and his government. The press cannot genuflect. His mission is to inform. The news as a form of knowledge reaches the public and, as a result of its discussion, public opinion appears, hence the responsibility to communicate impartially, which is what many rulers seem to dislike.

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President Petro, directly, as he did when he was in the opposition and it worked for him, but now he does it in his favor, called for a mobilization, which was well attended, especially with the presence of the union mass, of public officials, beginning by his ministers, by students from the Seine, encouraged in the streets by a congressman from the Historical Pact, in addition to other groups adept at Petrism, in order to pressure the Congress of the Republic to approve the reforms, just as his Government has conceived them , without a word being exchanged. It seemed to be a mobilization against the Legislative power, which has the immense responsibility of analyzing the reforms in depth, because the lives of citizens depend on its good judgment, as in the case of Health; or the well-being of future pensioners, the generation of employment with the labor reform, which is not exclusive to give more perks to the unions, today openly allies of the Petro Government, when that marriage between worker representatives and the Executive does not take place. seen in the country’s history.

Freedom of the press, freedom of expression, freedom of communication are inescapably linked to all freedoms. A free press is essential in a democratic society, that principle is what we must defend not only journalists, but also the community as a whole. Stopping the right to inform and the public to be informed is a phenomenon that implies the development of a dictatorship, of an autocracy that appropriates the power to promulgate and modify laws at will, as we are seeing with concern.

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It is unfortunate that, in addition to stigmatizing the media and journalists in general, he also particularizes his animosity towards Semana magazine and its director. Those of us who have suffered from it in the past understand as journalists and as people what may be behind the government’s positions and contradictions.

Mr. President, if you are successful in your mission to govern for the benefit of the entire country, of the national community without ideological distinctions, rest assured that the media will highlight your management, if you are not successful, it is our obligation and duty, previous journalistic investigation, point out the mistakes, with impartiality, healthy, purposeful and respectful criticism.

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