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Relaxing habits that will help you sleep (much) better

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Relaxing habits that will help you sleep (much) better

Changing your diet and lifestyle can help improve sleep quality. Supplements and natural remedies can also be helpful.

Good sleep is as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet. Research shows that insufficient sleep has immediate negative effects on hormonesphysical performance and brain function.

Good sleep is the key to better face daily challenges – grantennistoscana.it

It can also cause a weight gain and increase the risk of disease in both adults and children. Conversely, good sleep can help you eat less, exercise more, and be healthier.

Some tips to sleep better at night

In recent decades, the quality and quantity of sleep have declined. In fact, many people regularly sleep poorly. If you want to optimize your health or lose weight, getting good sleep is one of the most important things you can do.

Increase light exposure throughout the day

The body has a natural clock known as circadian rhythm. It affects the brain, body and hormones, helping us stay awake and telling our body when it’s time to sleep.

The natural sunlight or bright light during the day help maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. This improves daytime energy and the quality and duration of nighttime sleep. In people with insomnia, exposure to bright light during the day has improved sleep quality and duration.

If you have to study or work and you can do it outdoors, your body will thank you – grantennistoscana.it

A study of older adults found that 2 hours of exposure to bright light during the day increases the amount and efficiency of sleep by 80%.

Try getting daily exposure to sunlight or, if that’s not possible, invest in an artificial light fixture or bulbs.

Reduce blue light exposure in the evening

Exposure to light during the day is beneficial, but light exposure at night has the opposite effect.

Again, the effect is to affect the circadian rhythm, tricking the brain into thinking it is still daytime. This reduces hormones which help to relax and sleep soundly.

Bright screens before going to sleep can cause insomnia and turbulent sleep – grantennistoscana.it

Blue light, which electronic devices such as smartphones and computers emit in large quantities, is the worst in this regard. To limit the damage you can choose to iwear special glasses or install aBlue light blocking app on the smartphone. They are available for both iPhone and Android models. It would also be advisable to stop watching TV e turn off any bright lights 2 hours beforehand going to bed.

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Don’t consume caffeine at the end of the day

Caffeine has numerous benefits and is consumed by a large number of people throughout the day. A single dose can improve concentration, energy and sports performance. However, if consumed late nowstimulates the nervous system and can prevent the body from relaxing naturally during the night.

Some studies have revealed that the consumption of caffeine up to 6 hours before going to bed significantly worsened the quality of sleep. If you crave a coffee in the late afternoon or evening, go for a decaffeinated one.

Reduce irregular or prolonged daytime naps

While short energy naps are helpful, those long or irregular during the day they can negatively affect about sleep. Sleeping during the day can confuse your internal clock, which means you may have a hard time sleeping at night.

For some people, the afternoon nap is very important – grantennistoscana.it

However, some studies show that those who take regular daytime naps do not experience poor sleep quality or disturbed sleep during the night. If you take regular daytime naps and sleep well, there’s nothing to worry about. The effects of napping they depend on the individual.

Try to sleep and wake up at consistent times

The circadian rhythm of the body works according to a set cyclealigning with sunrise and sunset. Being consistent with your sleep and wake times can help your sleep quality in the long run.

Other studies have shown that irregular sleep patterns can alter the rhythm circadian. If you have trouble sleeping, try to get into the habit of waking up and going to bed at similar times. After a few weeks, you may not even need an alarm clock anymore.

Take a melatonin supplement

Melatonin is a key sleep hormone that it tells the brain when it’s time to relax and to go to bed.

The melatonin supplements they are a very popular sleep aid. In one study, taking 2 mg of melatonin at bedtime did improved sleep quality and next day energy and has helped people fall asleep faster.

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Furthermore, in neither of the two studies cited were they subsequently reported withdrawal effects from this substance.

In many supermarkets you can find products such as chamomile with the addition of melatonin – grantennistoscana.it

Melatonin is also useful when travelling and adapting to a new time zone, because it helps the body’s circadian rhythm return to normal.

In Italy you can also find the chamomile sachets with added melatonin. Start with a low dose to gauge your tolerance and then slowly increase as needed. Because melatonin can alter brain chemistry, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before use.

Talking to a doctor is highly recommended especially if you plan on using melatonin on children, as long-term use of this supplement in children has not been well studied.

Optimize the bedroom environment

Many believe that bedroom environment and layout are key factors in achieving good sleep. These factors include the noisethe external lights and the arrangement of the furniture.

Falling asleep on the sofa watching TV is one of the worst habits for the quality of our sleep – grantennistoscana.it

Numerous studies point out that external noise, often due to traffic, it can cause insufficient sleep and long-term health problems. To optimize your bedroom ambiance, try to minimize unwanted noise and artificial lights from devices like alarm clocks. Make sure your bedroom is a calm, relaxing, clean and pleasant place.

Regulate the bedroom temperature

The temperature of the bedroom can also have a profound effect on the quality of sleep. As you may have experienced during the summer or in hot places, it can be very difficult to sleep well when it’s too hot.

A temperature around 20°C seems to be the most comfortable for most people, although it depends on preferences and habits.

Don’t eat late in the evening

Eating late at night can negatively affect the quality of sleep and the natural release of melatonin.

That said, the quality and type of nighttime snack can also play a role. Some studies have observed that a high carbohydrate meal consumed 4 hours before bed has helped people fall asleep faster.

Overeating in the evening is often associated with poor sleep quality – grantennistoscana.it

Interestingly, other studies have instead found that uA low-carb diet improves sleepindicating that carbohydrates are not always necessary, especially if you are used to a low-carb diet.

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Exercise regularly, but not before bed

Exercise is one of the best scientifically proven ways to improve sleep and health.

In people with severe insomnia, exercise is offered more benefits than most drugs. Some studies have shown that being active reduced sleep time by 55%, total nighttime wakefulness by 30%, and anxiety by 15%, while increasing total sleep time by 18%.

Waking up rested and calm is important to face the day – grantennistoscana.it

While daily exercise is essential for good sleep, get it done too late in the day can cause sleep problems. This is due to the stimulating effect of exercise, which increases alertness and hormones such as adrenaline.

Again, however, it depends a lot on the habits and preferences of the individual.

Don’t drink too much liquid before going to bed

Nocturia is the medical term for excessive urination during the night. It affects the quality of sleep and daytime energy. Many people are used to drinking herbal teas and infusions exactly before going to sleep. Yet, bDrinking large amounts of fluid before bed can disrupt sleep due to the subsequent need to go to the bathroom, although some people are more sensitive than others.

While hydration is essential for health, it’s good reduce fluid intake in the late evening. Try not to drink too much liquid in the 2 hours before going to bed. It is also advisable to go to the bathroom just before bedtimeto reduce the chances of waking up during the night.

In conclusion

Sleep plays a essential role for health. A large review of studies has linked insufficient sleep to an 89% increased risk of obesity in children and 55% in adults.

Other studies conclude that sleeping less than 7-8 ore per night increases the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If you are interested in optimal health and well-being, it is therefore advisable to make sleep a top priority and make good use of some of the advice above.

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