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what if it was a side effect of the vaccine?”

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Sudden illnesses for the Cagliari lawyer Alberto Appeddu and an “atrocious doubt about my health conditions: what if it were a side effect of the vaccine?”. A delicate theme, with many dark sides still but, undoubtedly, more current than ever. Impossible to ignore the many, too many testimonies of those who claim to have health problems since they underwent mass vaccination to counter the spread of covid 19. The times have passed when the diatribes between pro and no vax animated the channels above all social: maximum dissemination by science which, in a few months, has studied an antidote against the pandemic virus that has destabilized the world. Welcomed with great pomp as the superhero of the situation, the vaccine was inoculated to almost everyone except the “hardcore”, to those who, in short, for a variety of reasons did not want or were able to undergo the “non” mandatory campaign. Since then appeals and illnesses have been a constant: correlation with the vaccine? Side effects of covid? Previous pathologies? Suggestion? Maybe. Many questions and few answers, for now, certainly no certainty, written in black and white by medical experts and professionals who, rightly and cautiously, still need studies, time and a lot of work to better evaluate the situation. What is certain is that there is a lot of talk about it and there is no shortage of a sudden death to “associate” the fact with a possible link with the vaccine. “As I have already had the opportunity to write, on April 24 while I was out for dinner, I first fell asleep suddenly and then, for 20 minutes my body was paralyzed and I could not speak, with chest pains and breathing problems.

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A similar case – explains Appeddu – took place in Trieste on 20 June last year, when, driving my Jeep, 458 meters from the bad and breakfast, where I’ve been sleeping for years, I suddenly fell asleep and ended up against a wall.

As I have already had the opportunity to tell, the last visit of this first phase of investigations, a global spirometry with a contextual pneumological visit, I am forced, due to the inefficiency of the Sardinian health system, to do it in Rome on June 14th.

To date, several diagnoses from Tia, to the terrible Piquik disease, to Osa (a sort of breathing problem related to sleep apnea), but no certain diagnosis.

I wonder: aren’t these symptoms perhaps a side effect of the vaccines I was forced to take?

My position of perplexity and opposition to a vaccination campaign, without certain, indeed contradictory, experimental data and carried out with methods of vulgar blackmail, is not secret.

Despite my opposition, as an islander, I had to choose between a sense of duty and my perplexity and, in order to follow my executions outside Sardinia, in order to be able to travel I had to give in to blackmail.

In one of my lawsuits filed against the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Health, I asked a general theory of law question (the constitution so dear to certain no-vax lawyers, who thanks to their illness have gone from anonymity to notoriety, on the topic it had little focus) based on the difference between choice and obligation.

The health system said that the choice to get vaccinated was free, but freedom of choice does not involve any sanctions, how then to qualify the green pass?

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For me as a sanction for a negative choice not to get vaccinated.

Ergo, vaccination was mandatory and the state should have compensated for vaccine side effects.

Pending the case, in fact, the State has extended the compensation for damages from mandatory vaccination of Lorenzin vaccines also to those from Covid 19.

The problem is that to prove damage in medical matters you need a CTP, or a doctor who signs the vaccine damage and many doctors, even if they verbally admit the side effect, do not write it.

Returning to my case, I am left with the doubt that continues to torment me.

Ergo, once the cycle of visits is over, I intend, for myself, to study an action (I was thinking of a preventive technical assessment) where I can undergo a CTU, which tells me if my pathology, still not sure, is the result or not of an effect vaccine collateral and, if not, why”.

For now, doubts remain but also the certainty of having defeated the virus and shelved the pandemic: years of restrictions in which everything was prohibited and, above all, millions of deaths, of lives broken in a few days at home and in hospitals. A sad but always vivid memory of a recent past.

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