Home » Success for Flavors of the river, the dinner along the cycle path of the sun

Success for Flavors of the river, the dinner along the cycle path of the sun

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Success for Flavors of the river, the dinner along the cycle path of the sun

The first edition of “Flavors of the river”, an initiative promoted by the associations and traders of the Pozzolo sul Mincio area, with the patronage of the Municipality of Marmirolo, has successfully concluded. The dinner, held in the new illuminated stretch of the cycle path of the sun that connects the Marmirolo village to Peschiera, opened with an aperitif, and then proceeded with local culinary dishes, prepared by the volunteers. The evening continued with musical entertainment and short shows by street artists. More than 150 participants were present at the initiative, including the mayor of Marmirolo Paolo Galeotti, the president of the Mincio Park, Maurizio Pellizzer, the mayor of Volta Mantovana Luciano Bertaiola and the vice president of the Province, Massimiliano Gazzani. «The first edition of this new initiative ended in the best possible way – comments Mayor Galeotti – we hope it will continue over the years. Right from the start we proudly supported the event, we thank the local associations and traders for these beautiful initiatives». The evening of Friday evening opened the summer dances of Marmirolo: Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June, in fact, in Piazza Roma, there will be “Marmirolo Paese in Festa”.

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