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The POT, from the document to the community

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The POT, from the document to the community

The Territorial Planning Council of Dosquebradas, which brings together and represents all the communities of the municipality, was recently activated to examine the document of the Territorial Planning Plan that was delivered to them by the administration after having agreed with the Central West Metropolitan Area and with Carder . His duty was to socialize each topic with the directly related communities.

On Friday, the first statements on this work were delivered, which will precede the debates in the Municipal Council of Dosquebradas. That is how Diego Buitrago, president of the Territorial Council, expressed: “We are entering the final stage in what corresponds to the citizenship, we are preparing to issue the concept from the Territorial Planning Council well after collecting the inputs in the territory, the inputs in the sectorial and specialized tables and, of course, the inputs that come out of this important citizen meeting. It is the final route of the Territorial Ordering Plan and we hope that our municipal Council, our political Corporation will not be inferior to the challenge that the city is posing today”.

The voice of the protagonists

One of the attendees at this socialization was Luisa Carvajal Mejía, a member of the Guardianes de los Humedales collective, she spoke about the subject as follows: “I live in commune 2, by Aurora Baja and I have accompanied the socialization of the POT during the tour of the different communes. In the Collective we do some environmental activities regarding the protection of water tributaries in the Municipality, such as wetlands and streams”.

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The faces of the community see with hope that this POT brings order and quality of life for the inhabitants of Dosquebradas.

The citizen said that she really liked the Planning work with this innovative POT, which has many good things as a tool, “it is very complete and we hope it can be executed, since we know that what is there is obsolete, this gives us a I breathe,” he concluded.

Mayor Diego Ramos arrived to accompany the community in this presentation and said: “I am very happy for this socialization with all the representatives of all sectors, with the academy as well, we have done the exercise with the councilors, the communal ones in the 12 communes and the two corregimientos. Within our Development Plan we set to work since we arrived, we have been non-stop for more than 33 months with our great Planning team led by Dr. Sandra Lucía Ospina and Dr. Manuel Ramírez. Citizenship is fulfilled with the review, agreement and socialization of the Land Management Plan.

Ramos also commented that the part he likes the most in this document is the environmental one, because the issue of sustainability and water is very important. “Everyone tells us that there are two or three years of a terrible summer that will dry up the water sources, hopefully it will not be like that, because 66 aqueducts depend on the 32 springs that supply families both in the urban part and in the rural. We don’t have anything to replace the water with.”

The mayor was the most enthusiastic in socializing with the community.

The president is aware that in terms of new constructions in the wetlands, the POT will set foot on several keys. “In that part we are going to be very demanding, those who do not comply will not have curatorship permission. Permits are now granted, because they are the rules that are in place, but when it is debated by the councilors and the open council, which are very important, it will be one of the best in the country.

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Manufacturing companies and dry cleaners that do a lot of damage to nature must use the transition time to settle in one place and avoid dumping dyes into streams, therefore collectors will be located to meet the requirements.

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