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Construction of Ningxiang DC Project and Miluo Pumped Storage Power Station started – News – Hunan Online

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Construction of Ningxiang DC Project and Miluo Pumped Storage Power Station started – News – Hunan Online

Create a new model of Xiangning cooperation and build a new support for energy security

Ningxiang DC Project and Miluo Pumped Storage Power Station started construction

Shen Xiaoming and Liang Yanshun attended the speech by Mao Weiming, Zhang Yupu and Xin Baoan

Huasheng Online, June 11th (all-media reporter Liu Yanjuan, Sun Minjian, and Zhang Lu) On the morning of the 11th, the Ningxia-Hunan ±800 kV UHVDC Project and the Miluo Pumped Storage Power Station kick-off mobilization meeting were held in Hunan and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region via video link. The line form is held synchronously. Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, Liang Yanshun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Mao Weiming, Deputy Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Governor, Zhang Yupu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Chairman of the Autonomous Region, and Xin Baoan, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the State Grid Corporation of China attended and delivered speeches.

Li Dianxun and Xie Weijiang, leaders of Hunan Province, Lei Dongsheng, Chen Chunping and Wu Xiuzhang, leaders of Ningxia Autonomous Region, and Zhang Zhigang, deputy party secretary and general manager of State Grid Corporation of China attended the event. Yu Bing, deputy director of the National Energy Administration, attended and delivered a speech.

(On June 11, Shen Xiaoming and Mao Weiming met with Party Secretary and Chairman Xin Baoan of State Grid Corporation of China in Changsha.)

Before the commencement ceremony, Shen Xiaoming and Mao Weiming met with Xin Baoan and his party at the Hunan Branch. On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, Shen Xiaoming welcomed Xin Baoan and his party, and expressed his gratitude to the State Grid Corporation for its long-term support for Hunan’s economic and social development. He said that it is inseparable from the support of electricity to turn the beautiful blueprint of “three highs and four new” planned by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Hunan into reality. Winning the “six battles of development” is also inseparable from the support of electricity. The Ningxiang DC project and the Miluo pumped storage power station project, which started construction today, are another landmark achievement of the in-depth strategic cooperation between Hunan and State Grid Corporation of China, and also a concrete manifestation of State Grid Corporation’s strong support for Hunan’s development. Hunan will work together with the State Grid Corporation of China to jointly build the two projects and strive to put them into operation as soon as possible. It is hoped that the State Grid Corporation of China and Hunan will further strengthen the long-term strategic cooperation, and fight the three battles of “whether Hunan electric power is enough”, “expensive or not”, and “green or not”. Hunan will continue to improve support policies, optimize the business environment, and provide good services for the development of State Grid Corporation in Hunan.

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Mao Weiming said, “Stop the ‘wind’ and ‘light’ Jiangnan lights, and go thousands of miles to ‘connect the line’.” The start of construction of the Ningxiang DC Project is a concrete action to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the new energy security strategy. The major project of “power transmission from west to east” is a major measure to deepen the cooperation between Hunan and Ningxia provinces and improve the well-being of the people in the two places. It is a milestone in the history of Hunan’s energy construction and development. The Miluo pumped storage power station project can give full play to the advantages of Hunan’s natural endowment, play an important role in peak regulation, valley filling, frequency regulation, phase regulation and emergency backup, and effectively enhance the power grid’s peak supply capacity. These two major projects will surely become a new model of cooperation between the central government and Xiangning, a new support for Hunan’s energy security, and a new demonstration of Hunan’s energy revolution. Hunan will carefully organize, finely serve, and build high-quality products, strictly implement the responsibilities of all parties, improve the guarantee of project elements, strengthen quality and safety supervision, and strive for early completion, early operation, and early results of the project, using the “wind” and “light” on the plug Light up the “light” and “scenery” of Sanxiang.

Zhang Yupu said that the “Ningdian Power into Hunan” project is a practical action to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on energy security. It is a major measure to jointly promote high-quality energy development and help achieve the “double carbon” goal. As the starting point of the “Ningdian Power into Hunan” project, Ningxia will fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “four revolutions, one cooperation” new energy security development strategy, take the project as the “No. 1 Project” of project construction in the region, and accelerate the construction of the country Clean energy bases and new energy comprehensive demonstration areas to better integrate into and serve the new development pattern; continue to deepen strategic cooperation with the State Grid Corporation of China, implement local responsibilities, optimize service guarantees, promote smooth construction of projects, put into operation on schedule, and operate efficiently; earnestly implement The cooperation agreement between Hunan and Ningxia provinces will promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development, and make Ningxia’s contribution to the development of national energy security.

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Xin Baoan said that the Ningxia-Hunan UHV DC project and the Miluo pumped storage power station project are key projects to promote the transformation of Ningxia’s resource advantages and ensure Hunan’s power supply. The demonstration project under construction is a livelihood project that serves to stabilize growth and employment, and contributes to the high-quality economic and social development of Ningxiang. The full start of construction of the two projects is another major strategic achievement of the government-enterprise collaboration and the cooperation between Ningxiang and Hunan. It will surely write a new chapter in Ningxiang’s energy and power cooperation and high-quality development.

On behalf of the National Energy Administration, Yu Bing expressed his congratulations on the start of construction of the two projects. He said that the planning and construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases focusing on deserts, Gobi, and desert areas is a major measure to implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and build a new energy system. The National Energy Administration will continue to actively serve the economic and social development of Ningxia and Hunan provinces, provide policy support in power grid construction, power supply guarantee, and clean energy development, and continue to work hard to implement my country’s “dual carbon” strategy and promote high-quality energy development .

(On June 11, the Ningxia-Hunan ±800 kV UHV DC Project and the Miluo Pumped Storage Power Station mobilization meeting were held simultaneously in Hunan and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region via video link.)

It is understood that the Ningxia-Hunan UHV DC transmission project is a key project of inter-provincial and inter-regional power transmission channels included in the national “14th Five-Year Plan” power development plan, and it is also the country’s first large-scale scenery base focusing on deserts, Gobi, and deserts. The UHV DC channel is used to realize the process from compliance to approval at the fastest speed. The total investment of the project is 28.1 billion yuan, and the total length of the line is about 1,634 kilometers. It passes through 6 provinces and municipalities including Ningxia, Gansu, Shaanxi, Chongqing, Hubei, and Hunan. It is expected to be put into operation in 2025. The supporting power supply at the sending end of the project totals 17.64 million kilowatts, and the annual power transmission exceeds 36 billion kwh, accounting for about 1/6 of the annual electricity consumption of our province. It can drive related industries and supporting equipment industries in the two places to exceed 100 billion yuan.

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The Miluo Pumped Storage Power Station is a key pumped storage project in the “14th Five-Year Plan” of our province, with a total investment of 8.1 billion yuan and an installed capacity of 1.2 million kilowatts. After the completion of the project, it can effectively play the role of peak supply guarantee and promote the safe and stable operation of our province’s power system.

Photo/Photographed by Huasheng Online All Media Reporter Tang Jun and Liu Shangwen

(First trial: Luo Jianglong Second trial: Lu Xiaowei Third trial: Jiang Yuqing)

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