Home » The time has come to harvest this vegetable, an inexhaustible source of antioxidant vitamins

The time has come to harvest this vegetable, an inexhaustible source of antioxidant vitamins

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Peppers are among the most consumed and cultivated vegetables, not only in Italy, but throughout the world.
In addition to their extreme versatility in the kitchen, they are excellent for the extraordinary benefits they bring to the body.

As various scientific publications also report, peppers are in fact recognized for their incredible antioxidant properties. This is due to the high amount of vitamins A, C and beta-carotene.
They are also rich in mineral salts, such as potassium, which boosts the health of the cardiovascular system.
And finally, they also promote digestion and a sense of satiety, thanks to a good supply of fiber.

Now is the time to harvest this vegetable, an inexhaustible source of antioxidant vitamins

On Proiezionidiborsa, during these months, we have repeatedly revealed tips and tricks on how to start and manage a pepper cultivation. For example, we also saw that, by planting this aromatic herb nearby, we would be able to make our peppers even more meaty and flavorful.

Now, however, it is time to harvest and we need to understand what is the right time to detach them from the plant. Peppers work just like tomatoes, because the ripening process takes place in two stages. First they mature internally, then externally. So, if the skin is still too green, it means that the ripening phase is not yet over.

For this reason, some peppers ripen earlier than others and you have to harvest them little by little, waiting for the smaller ones to grow again. This step is essential, because in this way we will avoid over-ripening the premature vegetables, leaving space, air and nutrients for the late ones.

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How to collect and store peppers

So, the time has come to harvest this vegetable, an inexhaustible source of antioxidant vitamins and much more.
Taking them from the plant is very simple. It will be enough, in fact, to hold the chosen pepper in one hand, and then cut the stem with shears, detaching it by one centimeter.
The peppers will then be placed in containers, without crushing them against each other and avoiding bruises.

Once finished, we can decide to consume them or keep them.
An effective method of preservation is the pepper preserve, which our grandmothers knew very well how to prepare.

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