Home » Trump returned to Florida on Tuesday to respond to the “secret documents case” | espionage allegations | Graham | McCarthy

Trump returned to Florida on Tuesday to respond to the “secret documents case” | espionage allegations | Graham | McCarthy

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Trump returned to Florida on Tuesday to respond to the “secret documents case” | espionage allegations | Graham | McCarthy

[NTD Times, Beijing Time, June 13, 2023]Former US President Trump, who was involved in the “secret documents” case, traveled from New Jersey to Miami on Monday (June 12). He will appear in federal court for the first time on Tuesday.

On Monday, former U.S. President Trump left his home in Bedminster, New Jersey, flew to Miami, and will speak at the Miami Federal Conference on the “confidential documents” case at 3 pm Eastern Time on Tuesday (13th). The court appeared for the first time.

The federal Department of Justice announced 37 charges against Trump last Friday (9th), mainly related to his behavior of retaining classified and top-secret documents after he left office, which violated the “Espionage Act”. But Trump himself denied it, insisting that he was innocent and that the prosecution was politically motivated.

Trump: “This vicious prosecution is a mockery of justice.”

The legal issues have not dented Trump’s popularity with Republican voters, according to multiple polls. At the same time, some heavyweight Republican figures have been supporting Trump.

Senator Graham of South Carolina: “President Trump will have his day in court. But whether you like Trump or not, the ‘espionage charges’ are absolutely absurd. He did not spy.”

House Speaker McCarthy: “I don’t think President Trump has been treated the same as everyone else in the process.”

People’s sympathy for Trump is also getting louder. June 14, the second day of the trial, was Trump’s 77th birthday. Many supporters traveled thousands of miles to Mar-a-Lago to support Trump.

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Trump supporter Raumar Menendez: “It’s literally a witch hunt because they want to throw him (Trump) out of the political race.”

Trump supporter Dary Earneal: “Trump did nothing wrong. The only thing Trump did was save the country.”

Trump supporter Sharon Wilder: “I think Trump is the best president we’ve ever had and I’m all for getting him re-elected.”

Trump said a few days ago that he would continue his campaign and would never leave even if he was convicted of the “secret documents” case.

Comprehensive report by NTDTV reporter Lin Yi

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