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Valledupar, between the wife and the lover

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Valledupar, between the wife and the lover

As the territorial or presidential elections approach, the same hopes, the same desire, the same illusion are activated and we fall into a kind of Dejavu every four years where in the end we already know what the result will be, but at least we don’t they can blame that we were not able to dream or try in another way; note that I do not mention the elections to the Congress of the Republic because that is “a different matter”, the election of the Congress despite having the same similarities in terms of methodology (I am using sarcasm) the motivations are on another level, the Dance of the Millions is exaggeratedly overwhelming and, as always, the democracy that they teach us in theory and in books, comes out battered.

To some extent, we all act like the husband with a lover, who is aware that he cannot show her in public or take her by the hand to the movies due to the well-known consequences and of course because what they will say is implacable, but do not lose sight of the fact that despite many of them end up marrying the lover.

The city can’t take it anymore, its situation has been the cause of rivers of ink in these spaces and its diagnosis is contained in hundreds of reports and studies carried out by serious researchers that give us an undeniable reality, however, why, despite the fact that we are aware that if we continue doing the same the results will be the same? Well, as in the simile of the husband, deep down he wants to continue with his wife to look good in front of others, but he wants with extreme passion for the weekend to come to be with the other, that is, he wishes the world would allow him to be with both without being questioned.

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The reality is that Valledupar is bad, very bad for the majority, but it is very good for a small group that wants some things to change (insecurity, unemployment, inflation, mobility, etc.) but yes, without having to give up their own comfort, and the benefits that business with the municipality brings them at the expense of the misfortune of the majority, and this is where the heart of the matter lies, if they understood that it is better business for them that things go well for all of us, the city would start to change and the proof of this, I insist, is Barranquilla.

Everyone without exception knows what the result of the elections will be and of course the next municipal government if the dynamics are going to be the same as always, a campaign made with a speech saying what the people want to hear, and another when they assume the role of presidents, because they must begin to return the investment to the financiers, who by the way are multimillion-dollars, it is even said that some even bring their own bill counting machine so as not to have to count by hand the bundles product of bribes and rackets; But what happens then after the campaign ends, and the new president takes office? Why this almost immediate disenchantment if it was all love and all honey? Well, because the campaigns are designed under revolutionary concepts such as neuromarketing, which use emotions as the main objective of the campaigns used at the time by the creators of social networks and which have already been successfully tested in many winning campaigns, and beware, there is in the city people so capable and expert in doing what Walt Disney did with Mickey Mouse, and that is that despite the fact that we all know that he is a rat, they were able to turn him into a cute little mouse that makes young and old fall in love.

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The problem is that most of them eat the story they are told in the campaign, they dream that this time it will be different and that there will be mobility like in Europe, and master plans for aqueduct and sewerage, and programs to generate employment and security and order , and when they are not fulfilled they generate (at all levels) an attitude of hopelessness, disgust and apathy for everything that smacks of “politics”, and that is precisely what feeds the status quo.

It is not doing the same, as long as the rulers are elected with the same practices in their campaigns, there will be no forum, nor debates that are worth making the president on duty listen to society since in the end and as in the comparison, the mistress has more power than the wife.

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