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Problems of family medicine in Banja Luka | Info

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Problems of family medicine in Banja Luka |  Info

The pillar of the health system is strong primary health care and family medicine must be strengthened in every way, said the director of the Health Center in Banja Luka, Nevena Todorović.

Source: Mondo/Slaven Petković

The pillar of the health system is strong primary health care and family medicine must be strengthened in every way, said the director of the Health Center in Banja Luka, Nevena Todorović.

Todorović indicated that in the next five years there will be big problems in the organization of primary health care, because there is a heavy burden on family medicine doctors with administrative and other tasks.

She also warned that problems will arise considering that the Health Center has only three specialists in family medicine, and that this year it is planned to send five more doctors to specialization.

“In order to replace the retirement of colleagues, we should annually send 20 colleagues for specialization. However, we currently do not have enough funds to hire and train this number of colleagues,” explained Todorović.

After the meeting with the representatives of the Medical Faculty of Ljubljana, who were visiting this health institution, she expressed her satisfaction that the exchange of sixth-year students of this and the medical faculties of the universities in Banja Luka and Sarajevo and specialists in family medicine, as well as the exchange of teaching staff, had been agreed.

“The goal is to exchange experiences and see the methods of education at other departments of family medicine as well, and today we had the opportunity to present to colleagues from Ljubljana and Sarajevo the capacities and working methods of the Educational Center of Family Medicine in the Banja Luka Health Center, which is also a teaching and research base for education. from family medicine,” said Todorović.

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Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana Igor Švab said that they came to Banjaluka to learn about the possibilities of cooperation between medical faculties in Banjaluka, Sarajevo and Ljubljana in the field of family medicine education.

“We had a very productive meeting yesterday, and today we saw that in the Health Center in Banja Luka there are not only technical conditions for good teaching, but also great enthusiasm of people working in the field of family medicine, so I hope that in the future we will quickly achieve everything these ideas that we outlined,” Švab said.

He added that there was also talk of a declaration on the importance of primary health care, that is, family medicine, which would be signed by the deans of several medical faculties from this area.

The visit to the Health Center in Banja Luka was held as part of a two-day visit by representatives of the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Banja Luka.


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