Home » Remove Nose Hair: Trimming is better than waxing

Remove Nose Hair: Trimming is better than waxing

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Remove Nose Hair: Trimming is better than waxing

personal hygiene
Removing nose hair: Why the painless method is also the best

Remove nose hair: An electric trimmer is the perfect tool for gently and painlessly trimming nose hair

© Diy13 / Getty Images

Removing nose hair can be a painful procedure. The guide explains how to do it gently and what function the small hairs have.

They tickle and scratch and look ugly: the nose hair. So it’s no wonder that men in particular want to get rid of the annoying hairs in the olfactory bulb. But before you start to pull out your hair, you should note that nose hair has an important function.

According to Apotheken-Umschau, they serve as a natural protective barrier for the nose and filter out the smallest particles such as pollen, bacteria or viruses when breathing, so that they do not get stuck in the airways. And that’s why we don’t want to damage our immune system without good reason.

Remove nose hair: The electric trimmer

If the hair sticks out of the nose, it doesn’t look particularly nice. Rather than rip them out completely with a painful tug, the better way is to trim them. For the nose, clipping or trimming the hair is the most gentle and therefore the best way. The easiest way to do this is with an electric nose hair trimmer like this Philips Nose Series 3000.

The trimmer’s blade is specially designed to trim the hairs in your nose without cutting or scratching sensitive skin. By the way, this method is also much less painful than plucking. The only downside is that you have to trim the hair more often.

Otherwise, according to the manufacturer, the trimmer is not only suitable for nose hair. He also trims the eyebrows and ear hair. However, you should of course change the attachment for this. Otherwise it becomes unhygienic. Incidentally, the trimmer does not have a rechargeable battery and uses an AA battery instead.

Wet shaving for the nose hair: the razor

There’s even a wet shaver for your nose. The so-called “razorAccording to the manufacturer, it is suitable for a particularly thorough nose hair removal. The product became known in the TV show “Die Höhle der Löwen” on Vox (heard like the stern to RTL). In the sterntest, the razor could not convince us in comparison to an electric trimmer. This was partly due to the fact that hair is softened with a wet shave with the help of shaving soap so that it is easier to shave. This is of course difficult when shaving nose hair, which is why the razor felt uncomfortably taut during the test.

multifunction trimmer

Incidentally, bearded bargain hunters use a multifunctional trimmer. Thanks to various attachments, it not only declares war on nose hair, but also trims beard and other body hair at the same time. That is recommended All-In-One-Bartpflege-Bodygroomer-Set of Brown. In addition to the nose hair trimmer, it offers seven other attachments to trim your beard or other body hair in different lengths. Schön: You can also use the shaver in the shower because the manufacturer says it is waterproof. Perfect for incorporating into your morning routine. According to the manufacturer, the integrated battery lasts for 80 minutes.

Better to avoid these three options

There are three other hair removal options that you should avoid altogether because they can be particularly dangerous or harmful to your nose.

With the tweezers: Only suitable for single hairs

Sometimes even the best trimmer misses a hair. Some people use tweezers to do this. However, ear, nose and throat doctors warn against plucking out nose hair. As the Munich Merkur reports, citing Business Insider, according to Dr. Erich Voigt (New York University) on open hair follicles, which can become inflamed and lead to painful abscesses.

wax removal

The same applies to the waxing of the nose, which is often offered by the barber. While this may be the most thorough method of nose hair removal, it’s also the most aggressive.

Waxing comes up trumps with four possible negative consequences: Firstly, it is not recommended for bearded people because the liquid wax tends to get caught in the mustache. Getting it out of there can be a difficult endeavor.

Secondly, it’s not all that easy to wax yourself because we knowingly cause ourselves pain – which is exactly what our brains want to avoid. That’s why it can happen that you don’t pull hard enough on the wax stick and the procedure is so painfully prolonged.

The third thing to remember is that the hot wax can damage your nasal mucosa, especially if used improperly.

Fourth, pulling out nose hairs (as with tweezers) leaves hair follicles open, which are very delicate and great gateways for bacteria and viruses. The protection of the nasal hair becomes a risk factor for diseases. All these negative factors do not outweigh the thoroughness of hair removal.

nail clipper

Some people trim their nose hair with nail scissors. This is also not advisable! On the one hand, it is quite difficult to get hold of the usually curly nose hair with scissors. And on the other hand, the risk of injury with nail scissors is particularly high because they are usually pointed and sharp. So if you love your nose, you better keep it away from the small sharp scissors.


If you want to get rid of annoying nose hair for aesthetic reasons, you should definitely use a trimmer. This is the gentlest and most painless method. A multifunctional trimmer is the tool of choice if you also want to fight hair on other regions of the body.

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