Home » Cacciari: “Cdx goes on like this until the Europeans. Then Forza Italia will disappear”

Cacciari: “Cdx goes on like this until the Europeans. Then Forza Italia will disappear”

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Cacciari: “Cdx goes on like this until the Europeans. Then Forza Italia will disappear”

Forza Italia is a personal party identified with Berlusconi and cannot survive without him.”

“Until the European elections, it is also in Giorgia Meloni’s interest that Forza Italia survives because the prime minister is not yet ready to be part of the European centre-right mega-group without presenting herself with the heirs of Silvio Berlusconi”.

It is the analysis of Massimo Cacciariinterviewed by Affaritaliani.it on the future of Forza Italia after the death of its leader and founder. “If they are intelligent, they go on until the European vote with Tajani, it seems obvious to me”.

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