Home » Environmental protection – DUH sees “low point for climate policy” in heating agreement

Environmental protection – DUH sees “low point for climate policy” in heating agreement

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Environmental protection – DUH sees “low point for climate policy” in heating agreement


Hanover (German news agency) – The German Environmental Aid has sharply criticized the agreement of the traffic light government on the controversial heating law. “This building energy law is not a milestone, but a low point for the climate policy of this federal government,” said Barbara Metz, federal director of the German Environmental Aid (DUH).

“The most serious thing is that the heat transition in existing buildings will be postponed until after 2028 and thus to the next government, even in a large proportion of new buildings where it is particularly easy to implement. This is climate policy madness,” criticized Metz. “In addition, the fairy tale of hydrogen-capable gas heaters is maintained and the climate and environmentally harmful combustion of wood is made possible.” Gas heaters could even be operated with fossil gas by 2045 “if you only wear a ‘H2-Ready’ sticker,” criticized the DUH managing director.

The agreement bears the signature of the FDP, which prevailed at crucial points. Climate protection falls by the wayside and consumers would “continue to be left alone with the risk of high energy costs from their gas heating systems,” says Metz. “We call on the members of the Bundestag to reject this law with these catastrophic consequences.”


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