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Operated as a brain alarm clock for a tumour, she breastfeeds her baby immediately afterwards – Medicine

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Operated as a brain alarm clock for a tumour, she breastfeeds her baby immediately afterwards – Medicine

A brain tumor was removed in Ancona, with an awake operation, on a 30-year-old mother from the Marches who had her newborn baby by her side. The surgery was performed this morning at the Marche University Hospital by a multidisciplinary team made up of the team of neurosurgeon Roberto Trignani, head of the General Neurosurgery Department with particular pediatric interest, by neurosurgeons Stefano Vecchioni and Michele Luzi, with the neuroanaesthetist Edoardo Barboni and in collaboration with the neuropsychologist Silvia Bonifazi.
The young mother, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor during her pregnancy, remained with her baby, still breastfeeding, throughout the pre-operative phase. The baby then waited with his dad for the end of the operation in the ward, and once the surgery was over, the mom was able to hug him again and breastfeed him right away. The surgery was perfectly successful.
“The child – says the neurosurgeon Trignani – represents for his mother a real personal trainer who prepares her for the procedure and who will allow her to quickly overcome the consequences of the intervention and the tension that normally accompanies it”. In the hospital, a room was set up with a cradle next to the mother’s bed, complete with a plush panda, to make the woman and the child feel “at home”, a choice that aims “to normalize hospitalization” and to dissolve anxieties and fears. In the operating room, the woman remained awake all the time “knowing that the child was a few meters away from her, this gave her strength and greater peace of mind, an extremely useful alliance, the one with the little one”. The woman had a brain tumor removed in the area that controls speech and movement on the right side of her body. “Thanks to the awake procedure, she concludes, since the woman has not received any drugs that interfere with breastfeeding, she has been able to continue breastfeeding without any interruption”.

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