Home » Adolescents sleep too little Practical advice for the right sleep – breaking latest news

Adolescents sleep too little Practical advice for the right sleep – breaking latest news

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Adolescents sleep too little Practical advice for the right sleep – breaking latest news
Of Anna Mop

In boys the natural circadian rhythms with the secretion of melatonin slip forward by up to two hours. Among the effects of disturbed sleep are mood alteration, anxiety, poor attention

Teens sleep badly. And moreover, according to a study published in the scientific journal Sleep Medicine, there has been a growth in sleep disorders compared to the pre-pandemic period. The research that indicates this was conducted and coordinated by the Bambino Ges pediatric hospital together with the University of La Sapienza and that of Tor Vergata, all in Rome, on over a thousand children and adolescents. The results highlighted how we went from 240 subjects who already showed sleep disturbances before the start of the pandemic, to 367 during the pandemic: 33.9 percent of the entire sample, practically one in three minors. The survey was carried out by submitting, between April and June 2021, more than 1,200 questionnaires concerning sleep habits to parents of children and adolescents between the ages of 2 and 18, he explains Romina Moavero, professor of child neuropsychiatry at Tor Vergata University and Bambino Ges pediatric hospital in Rome, co-author of the research. Accomplices were the restrictions adopted to combat Covid-19, which increased exposure time to electronic devices, which more than tripled for school reasons (from just under an hour a day to three and a half hours) and almost doubled for recreational use (one and three quarters to three hours).

How the rhythms change

Il time spent online certainly among the factors that contribute most to the sleep deprivation of children, but not the only one. Biologically, their sleep patterns change when they hit puberty. In fact, one occurs shift of natural circadian rhythms as a result of which the time of falling asleep and waking up slips forward, even by a couple of hours, underlines the professor. This depends on melatonin secretion, the essential hormone for the induction and maintenance of sleep, which physiologically moves further. Factors related to lifestyle also influence the quality of rest, such as, among others, sport practiced in the evening. However, the need for hours of sleep remains the same. Although difficult to indicate standard times, it is believed that teenagers should sleep between 8 and 10 hours a day. The morning and extracurricular commitments are always the same and this means that the rest period is reduced, he adds.

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The health risks

The American Academy of Pediatrics has declared insufficient sleep to be one of the most pressing health hazards for young people and lists among the possible repercussions‘alteration of mood, concentration and memory skills with effects on academic performanceand the greater presence of anxiety disorders and impulse control difficulties. The lack of impulse control is manifested by a greater “belly” reactivity – specifies the specialist -. This exposes young people to a higher risk of accidents, for example, and to the abuse of substances designed to stimulate the reward areas of the brain. It is clear that, especially with regard to the impulse aspect, there are other predisposing factors such as the educational environment, genetics and even personality.

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Sleeping little on a constant basis, therefore not just for a few nights, also implies a tendency to get sicker because the immune system weakens and the risk of obesity is growing. In fact, lack of rest reduces the production of satiety hormone (leptin) e increases that of the hormone that makes you feel hungry (ghrelin)consequently gratification is sought in food, in particular in the “junk” food that gives short-term satisfaction.

Mental traps

Like adults, young people also fall into mental traps, such as: If I don’t sleep enough, tomorrow I won’t pass the exam…. Or: I couldn’t sleep last night, so tonight will be bad too etc. If these pitfalls happen every day and for a long time, it is good to seek help to teach better sleep hygiene education and facilitate relaxation before rest, recommends the expert who concludes: Sometimes this aspect is neglected, yes think that it doesn’t matter how you fall asleep, it just happens. Not so, because the more relaxed you fall asleep, the better the quality of sleep will be. Relaxation techniques can also be useful for young people.

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Counterproductive to stay in bed late on the weekend

Teens are notorious for wanting to sleep late on the weekend, but this catch-up could actually get in the way of sleep on weekdays. In fact, there is the risk of entering a vicious circle. Sleeping too long on Saturday and Sunday causes thefalling asleep in the evening is further postponed, aggravating the situation of chronic deprivation, explains Romina Moavero, professor of child neuropsychiatry at Tor Vergata University and the Bambino Ges pediatric hospital in Rome. Recovery is important. In addition to the recommendation of respect sleep-wake schedules as much as possible, prefer a light dinner not too late (avoiding caffeine), a remedy could be that of an afternoon nap. The important thing is that it is short, 10-30 minutes at the most, and never too late with the timetable.

June 14, 2023 (change June 14, 2023 | 10:46)

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