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Missing girl in Florence, the latest images of Kata

by admin

June 14, 202319:05

The lodging racket in illegally occupied structures: it is the privileged track in the investigation into the kidnapping. Meanwhile, the father of the little girl speaks for the first time: “They kidnapped her, they planned everything”

Kata, la 5-year-old girl disappeared in Florence since June 10, it has been filmed by a security camera, which is located in front of the main entrance of the former Astor hotel. That’s at the moment the last picture that one has of the little one. It would go back to 3:01, a few minutes before her disappearance. In the video, the girl moves away from the group of children and goes alone towards the door, leaves the courtyard, and returns. However, in the images of that camera Kata she no longer appeared, so it is very likely that she was taken away from a rear entrance where there are no cameras. Meanwhile, the father’s appeal arrives: “Bring her back to me”.

Privileged housing racket track A lodging racket in illegally occupied structures: this is the privileged track in the investigation into the kidnapping. The investigators continue to cover every lead at 360 degrees to get to who would have kidnapped the little Kata, but in these hours they seem to focus on the war between rival groups for the rooms inside the former Astor hotel, where a few dozen people live. And in this alleged conflict there would be three opposing factions: two of Peruvians, one of which is close to the family of the missing child, and one of Romanians.

The father: “They kidnapped her, they planned everything” “They kidnapped her, everything was planned. There are no cameras. They know what they did.” This was said by Kata’s father, Miguel Angel, speaking to journalists as he returned to the former Astor hotel after the Peruvians’ procession. The man ruled out revenge or retribution towards him or his family. “I have no debts, I have no problems with anyone, I know what I did but I did it for the family – he also said alluding to his troubles with justice -, this is proof of God. I’m sure Kata is alive and will return”.

The appeal – “I don’t care about filing a complaint: it’s enough for me to bring the child back here. I’d be happy with that, she has nothing to do with it. And I too have nothing to do with anyone. I like being with my family”. So Kata’s father, in an appeal launched by the TV show “Who has seen it?”. “Kidnapping? I don’t know,” he added.

The man said he “came to Italy with the six-month-old baby and looked for a room in Florence, Prato, Poggio a Caiano, Quarrata. We looked for a room, but with a dependent child, I discovered which here in Italy is
difficult to rent. Then, thank God, I found this place through a Peruvian: he told me that there was a busy hotel and we came here. ” The man specified:”
We don’t pay rent. We paid only once, we bought a room with my wife. Then my brother-in-law also got a room. Then I brought my father, my mother.”

The mother discharged from the hospital Meanwhile, Katherine Alvarez, Kata’s mother, was discharged from the Florentine hospital of Careggi. The woman had been hospitalized on Monday after she had swallowed a small amount of bleach. “My princess, only God knows how I feel. I’ll be fine, forgive me if for a moment I thought about giving up and losing hope. But now I’m stronger and I won’t rest until I find you,” he wrote in a post on Facebook.

The new procession – In the evening there was a new procession to ask for the release of the little girl. “Let Kataleya free, let Kataleya free,” pleaded about a hundred protesters. Also present were the mother and father of the little girl, whose name was frequently shouted every stretch of the journey made. Once again the demonstration started in front of the courtyard of the former Astor hotel.

Photogallery – Missing girl in Florence, the search has begun

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