Home » Are there any foods to have a flat stomach? Yes and they are also very good

Are there any foods to have a flat stomach? Yes and they are also very good

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Are there any foods to have a flat stomach?  Yes and they are also very good

Through nutrition it is possible to do anything, even have a flat stomach. How is it possible? Find out what friendly foods are.

When trying to lose weight, the aerobic exercises and HIIT workouts are very useful, but what you eat also plays a fundamental role. Maintaining a good lifestyle is the first step to losing weight and aspiring to Flat stomach. Drinking lots of water, consuming fresh products and healthy fats, avoiding or reducing alcohol, sugary drinks and sugars in general also contribute.

Flat stomach (Canva – Inran.it)

With a nutrient-rich diet and regular exercise it is possible lose weight and increase muscle mass around the belly. The presence of fat around the belly it may be a risk factor for several chronic conditions, including cancer and heart disease. However, it can also be a cause of personal discomfort.

How to have a flat stomach through some specific foods

To reduce abdominal fat you need a proper diet, rich in useful foods that manage to deflate the belly. Digestion itself helps this process, in fact you need to take care to chew slowly to allow the stomach to process the food path. In addition to these little tips, there are some specific foods that help your belly become flat.

help digestion
Happy digestion (Canva – Inran.it)

A healthy and nutritious diet consists primarily of fresh fruit and vegetables. Red fruits, blueberries, strawberries, bananas are rich in vitamins, mineral salts and water, all elements that promote diuresis as well as donating healthy sugars to the body. Kiwi, melon, orange, lemon, pineapple and grapefruit, on the other hand, have a draining function and are able to help digestion. Among the essential vegetables, there are asparagus, fennel, artichokes, radishes, carrots, zucchini, peppers, lettuce, aubergines, pumpkin, tomato, green beans, celery and spinach, to help the body eliminate waste from the body and regulate the ‘intestine. Even aromatic herbs are not to be excluded as some improve digestive functions: basil, mint, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, cumin.

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Foods that aid digestion
Foods that help digestion (Canva – Inran.it)

Other foods that help digestion and a flat stomach are those rich in proteinsuch as lean meat and fish, eggs, as they are rich in vitamina B12. For those who follow a plant-based diet, they can choose tofu and soy as alternatives. Even some types of carbohydrates can help you have a flat stomach, and it is whole grains and fiber, which contribute to having a flat stomach since they are made with lightly processed flours and help deflate and clean the intestines. Finally, special mention, the have the dried fruit such as walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. These foods are rich in minerals and proteins.

what slows down digestion
Slowed digestion (Canva – Inran.it)

Just as there are foods that help to have a flat stomach, others are the main enemies and they must be absolutely avoided or limited as they produce the opposite effect. These foods are legumes, which despite being a precious source of nutrients, are not easy to digest, increasing abdominal gas. Among the fruit and vegetables to avoid, however: pears, apricots, mangoes, peaches, plums, watermelon, plums, peas, garlic, onion and mushrooms.

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