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Mouth cancer: the alarm bells

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Mouth cancer: the alarm bells

Discover the alarm bells of mouth cancer and the importance of a timely diagnosis. Lesions that don’t heal, persistent pain, difficulty swallowing, and other symptoms to watch out for

Il mouth cancer is a form of cancer that affects the tissues of the oral cavity, including the lips, gums, tongue, palate and cheeks. It is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. Knowing the warning signs associated with this condition can help in its early detection and increase the chances of recovery. We will explore the warning signs of mouth cancer and the importance of early diagnosis.

The alarm bells:

  • wounds that do not heal: one of the first signs of a possible cancer of the mouth is the presence of lesions that do not heal within two weeks. These lesions can manifest as painful ulcers or sores, often accompanied by bleeding. It is important to pay attention to these persistent lesions and inform your doctor immediately.
  • persistent pain: Constant or intermittent pain in the mouth, gum, or tongue can be a sign of mouth cancer. This pain may also be present when chewing or swallowing. If the pain persists for more than two weeks, you should consult a healthcare professional for a more thorough evaluation.
  • difficulty in swallowingDifficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia, can be a symptom of advanced mouth cancer. The sensation of having something stuck in the throat or difficulty swallowing food can indicate a blockage caused by a tumor. It is essential to examine these symptoms carefully to determine the underlying cause and initiate the necessary treatment.
  • changes in the appearance of the mouthCareful observation of any changes in the appearance of the mouth can be helpful in detecting cancer early. Thickening or lumpiness of tissue such as the lips or cheeks, the appearance of abnormal growths, or the presence of white or red spots can be signs of a possible cancer. Making your doctor aware of such changes can facilitate a timely diagnosis.
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck: Lymph nodes in the neck are part of the lymphatic system and help fight infection. However, in some cases, mouth cancer can cause them to become enlarged. Palpating the neck for swollen or painful lymph nodes can be an indicator of possible mouth cancer.
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Immediate consequences of the tumor

Mouth cancer can have immediate significant consequences on a person’s health and well-being. These consequences can vary based on the size, location and stage of the tumor, as well as the type of treatment received. Here are some of the immediate consequences:

  • difficulty chewing and swallowingMouth cancer can make it difficult to chew and swallow food and liquids. This can lead to a reduced intake of essential nutrients and weight loss.
  • pronunciation and speech problems: Tumors involving the tongue or surrounding structures can affect the ability to pronounce sounds correctly and can cause difficulty speaking clearly.
  • pain and discomfort: Tumor and treatment procedures, such as surgery or radiation therapy, can cause pain and discomfort in the affected area. This can adversely affect the patient’s quality of life.
  • bleeding gums: Tumors involving the gums can cause persistent bleeding, which can be painful and require specialized dental care.
  • changes in facial appearance: Removal of parts of the mouth or jaw due to cancer can alter the appearance of the face and facial expression. This can have a significant emotional impact on the patient.

It is important to emphasize that the consequences can vary from person to person, and that treatment options and medical support can help minimize some of these effects.

Importance of a timely diagnosis

The early diagnosis of mouth cancer is essential to increase the chances of success in treatment. If the warning signs are ignored or if the disease is neglected, the cancer can spread to other parts of the body, making treatment more complex and less effective. Therefore, do not ignore the warning signs and seek medical attention immediately if you notice anything abnormal.

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Therefore, recognizing the warning signs associated with mouth cancer is crucial for prompt diagnosis. Non-healing sores, persistent pain, difficulty swallowing, changes in the appearance of the mouth and swollen lymph nodes in the neck are all signs that need attention. Consulting a trusted doctor for a professional evaluation is essential to determine the cause of the symptoms and initiate the necessary treatment. Remember that an early diagnosis can make all the difference in the fight against mouth cancer and improve the prospects for recovery.


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