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A drink a day keeps the cardiologist away, so the aperitif counteracts heart attacks

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A drink a day keeps the cardiologist away, so the aperitif counteracts heart attacks

A very unusual study has identified some positive effects of alcohol, but the researchers also point to its many problems.

A sentence like the one in the title may be strange on first reading. The consumption of alcohol has always been discouraged by any doctor. However, a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology has revealed that light to moderate alcohol consumption can lead to a long-term reduction of stress activity of the braintherefore reducing the risk of heart disease.

After considering genetic, clinical, lifestyle and socioeconomic factors of 50,000 individuals enrolled in the Mass General Brigham Biobank, the researchers identified a trend: moderate alcohol users appear to have a lower risk of cardiovascular events.

How are alcohol, brain and heart connected?

Cardiologist Ahmed Tawakol, lead author of the study led by Massachusetts General Hospital researchers, explained that the reason alcohol is linked to a reduction in adverse cardiovascular events is that it acts on the brain, making us feel less stressed. Reducing stress, in turn, has positive effects on our heart health.

Compared with those who drank little or avoided alcohol altogether, the brain image of the moderate drinkers showed a reduction of signs of stress in the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with the stress response. If stress is chronic, hypertension, increased inflammation, and a significant risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease result.“explained Tawakol.

However, experts do not advise drinking alcohol, but to find ways to reduce stress – tantasalute.it

It was already known that alcohol reduces stress levels, but this is the first study demonstrating the long-term neurobiological effects of its reduction. However, cardiologists warn that the other dangers associated with alcohol consumption cannot be ignored.

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The study also showed that any amount of alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer. Habitual and excessive consumption can instead lead to an increase in the risk of heart attacks and a decrease in overall brain activity.

With this study, we do not want to advise the use of alcohol in any way to reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes. In fact, the other worrying effects of alcohol on health should not be forgotten“said Tawakol. The researchers hope to use their findings to look for other ways that can replicate the protective effects of alcohol without the harmful effects.

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