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this is what happens to our cells

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this is what happens to our cells

Water is very important for our health because it allows us to carry out many activities. In fact, water makes our body absorb and assimilate minerals, amino acids, vitamins and many other substances that are needed to live. Water aids digestion and carries nutrients to the cells and oxygen to the brain. Water helps remove toxins and metabolic waste from our body. Not everyone knows it but water improves our cognitive abilities and for this reason it makes us more attentive and concentrated.

Experts advise an adult to drink about 2 and a half liters of water a day, not all at once but throughout the day. For this you can use the rule of drinking 8 glasses of water a day, one of which as soon as you wake up, another during the morning, two at lunch, the fifth glass in the early afternoon, another 2 at dinner and the last, the eighth , before going to sleep.

How to drink water? To enjoy all the benefits that water brings to our body, you need to drink slowly, in small sips. The advice is to take a sip of water every quarter of an hour because this regulates the metabolic processes in particular. It is also important to know how to use the right glass because drinking water with small, low and wide glasses can deceive our eyesight because we will seem to drink less. For our health we must always keep a glass of water handy to drink.

Now let’s go to the question that this article wants to address and see what happens to our body when we drink water quickly. The most important problems are borne by the kidneys which may not perform their function and the excess substances which are not filtered could end up inside the cells of our body. Drinking water quickly could mean drinking a lot of it and this leads to overhydration which in severe cases causes confusion, seizures or coma.

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In conclusion, therefore, you should never drink water quickly because our cells are affected especially those of the brain. Brain cells, in fact, are very susceptible to overhydration and reduction of sodium levels in the blood. Excess water moves inside the cells and when it is too much it can accumulate in the lungs but also in the lower limbs. In these cases it is always good to contact your doctor because for a diagnosis of hyperhydration you always need a medical examination and blood and urine tests.

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