Home » LIVE TMW – Italy, Mancini: “Market market? Luckily Napoli have hired the coach, otherwise…”

LIVE TMW – Italy, Mancini: “Market market? Luckily Napoli have hired the coach, otherwise…”

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Robert Mancini, coach of the national team, spoke at the press conference on the eve of the match against the Netherlands. “Fortunately Napoli have hired the coach, otherwise… (he smiles) I was disappointed about the match, we could have won and gone to the final. All the rest doesn’t exist”.

What Italy will be tomorrow? Play Retegui?
“Yes, for sure tomorrow. One match each was scheduled, the players are tired, they’re not at 100%. In the days we worked, we tried to recover… it’s an important match, we try to win even if there’s no is the first place at stake”.

Is there a new project?
“This qualifying phase of the Nations League was played with young players, who perhaps you didn’t even know. The project has already started. There was the Under-20 World Cup, the Under-21… We had Bastoni who, the day before the start, sick, we had some problems”.

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