Home » CoCrea will present its 2023 “Cultura Viva” Call in Arauca – news

CoCrea will present its 2023 “Cultura Viva” Call in Arauca – news

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CoCrea will present its 2023 “Cultura Viva” Call in Arauca – news

The Corporación Colombia Crea Talento – CoCrea and the Chamber of Commerce of Arauca invite the business sector, and organizations and companies from the cultural, creative and social sector of the department to the presentation of the “Cultura Viva” Call that will take place next June 21 at 10 am via Facebook and our official YouTube channel.

At this event, the General Director of CoCrea, María del Pilar Ordóñez, will present the Call, whose purpose is to select cultural and creative projects that contribute to promoting the exercise of cultural rights, so that they are eligible for investment or donations. and grant their contributors the right to reduce 165% of the value contributed in the taxable income tax base. This translates into a net saving in the payment of income tax of $58.7 for every $100 for businessmen and taxpayers who are linked to the projects endorsed by CoCrea.

It should be noted that as a result of the previous calls, the tax incentive mechanism managed by CoCrea has managed to mobilize resources for $251 billion in projects that have already been executed or are in the process of being executed throughout the national territory. This positions it as one of the most effective mechanisms to promote the creative and cultural sector. In the department of Arauca, the “Music on the Borders” project of the Batuta National Foundation was carried out, which worked with the migrant population through artistic training.

Arauca joins this national tour that began on April 27 in the city of Cartagena and has visited cities such as Medellín, Cali and Buenaventura.

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In the same way, several virtual meetings of a pedagogical nature will be held through CoCrea’s social networks, where doubts will be resolved for the public and specific support will be provided to all those interested in participating in the call.

The terms of reference of the “Cultura Viva” Call will be available from April 28 and until the closing of applications on September 5, 2023, on the CoCrea website www.colombiacrea.org.

Source: Corporación Colombia Crea Talento – CoCrea and the Chamber of Commerce of Arauca

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