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Sooner or later it breaks. The book that tells us about electrodes…

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Sooner or later it breaks.  The book that tells us about electrodes…

All families experience the same drama, which occurs punctually the moment before turning on the dishwasher.

One of the two partners has the irrepressible habit of rinsing the dishes before placing them in the appliance, the other curses for such a waste of water. Who is right?

He deals with this and other domestic-existential questions Sooner or later it breakswritten by Cristina Aldrighettoni and printed by Gribaudo in May 2023.

As often happens, the subtitle already tells us a lot about the volume in question: The guide to choosing, using and caring for household appliances. Before telling you about the book, which we have read for you (but also for us!), let us briefly introduce the author.

Who is Cristina Aldrighettoni?

Author of Sooner or later it breaks is Cristina Aldrighettoni, who defines herself as a “personal appliance shopper” on her successful website Caricovariabile.

In the introductory chapter of Sooner or later it breaks, the author explains that the family business dealt with the sale of household appliances, and that’s where Aldrighettoni got to know them. Until the opening of the site, in 2017, and the publication of this volume, which is its synthesis.

Sooner or later it breaks

Sooner or later it breakswe said, reviews the most common household appliances (and also other less known ones, such as the blast chiller).

Indicating not only the correct use but also the most appropriate installation and maintenance.

From reading you learn much more than the obvious but valuable rules that we too keep repeating (such as using dishwashers and washing machines with full loads if possible, or managing the spaces in the refrigerator in a non-random way).

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Brands distributed in Italy

Ma Sooner or later it breaks it is not limited to a series of fact sheets on the different appliances.

In one of the initial chapters, for example, there is an interesting scheme in which all the household appliance brands distributed in Italy are divided into various brands. How many of you readers knew, for example, that the Haier group includes Candy, Hoover, Haier itself, General Electric and Sanyo appliances?

What to buy, how to read energy labels

We then examine some questions that every consumer asks himself or… should ask himself. Including, for example, what to choose between a new appliance and a refurbished one.

Which is followed by one meritorious analysis of energy labels. Another twist for our readers: did you know that the labeling going up to the letter A followed by a certain number of “+” symbols has been replaced (in 2021) by one going from the letter A to G, and therefore now do we have on the market the coexistence of household appliances with the old and the new labeling?

Therefore, listen, a current class C is less energy consuming than an old A.

The secrets of household appliances

And here we are finally at the central and most conspicuous part of Sooner or later it breakswhere Cristina Aldrighettoni reveals all the secrets of every household appliance.

For example, it is not convenient to get smart with the washing machine, modifying the preset programs according to our whim. Which are calculated by engineers (also based on the load introduced) to ensure the best washing.

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You should also vary the dishwasher programs to make it perform at its best. And then, let’s reveal the secret, the dishes don’t need to be rinsed, the dishwasher itself takes care of it. Of course, food residues, which could clog it, must be eliminated. But if you leave the dishes too long in the basket before activating a program, it goes without saying that some encrustations could remain.

Ample space is given to the correct use of the refrigerator, and there is also a chapter on the all too mythologized induction hobs.

How to dispose, how to fix

Two large sections are then dedicated, one to the so-called cold chain and the other to the legendary hood, a decidedly undervalued tool and used in a partial or in any case incorrect way.

In the final pages, the author illustrates how to properly dispose of household appliances and how to act in the event of a fault. How does the guarantee work, who should I call and when? How far can I rely on DIY? What is it, how long does it last and what does the European guarantee cover?

In short: Sooner or later it breaks it reminds us of the importance of choosing household appliances with attention that should go far beyond purely aesthetic standards. To be able to use household appliances in a way that is respectful of our specific needs as well as those, increasingly important to satisfy, of our planet.

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