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M5s in the streets against the precariousness

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June 17, 202313:44

Conte: “Meloni was arrogant but now he’s taking it all back”. Schlein and Fratoianni were present. Controversy over Grillo’s words

Il M5s took to the streets in Rome against the precarious and next to the pentastellati exponents the secretary to Elly Schlein. The procession left from Piazza della Repubblica to arrive at Largo Corrado Ricci. According to pentastellate sources, they participated in the demonstration 15-20 miles people: among them, precarious young people, income recipients, university students, exodus from the Superbonus. “The protagonists are ordinary citizens with an economic and social hardship that the government does not see,” he said Joseph Conte. After hearing the M5s leader on the phone, Schlein also decided to join the demonstration by announcing a joint mobilization from Monday. Also in the square was the secretary of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni and the guarantor of the M5SBeppe Grillo for which the battle on universal income “is the only one to do:” Form the brigades of citizenship, put on the balaclava “. FdI: “Shameful words, apologize”.

Conte: “Vital issue for all Italians” “It is not a battle of the 5-star movement – Conte clarified in an interview -. It is a vital issue for all Italian citizens, for all those who are underpaid with starvation wages, for those who are grappling with the expensive mortgages, high rents, high living costs. With a government that is deaf to all this and focused on investing in weapons and munitions”.

“A beautiful square beyond expectations” “A full square and a response beyond expectations. A truly beautiful square, many have responded to a free appeal and a free invitation”. This is the comment of the leader of the M5s, Giuseppe Conte, at the departure of the procession.

“Meloni used to be arrogant but now she’s taking it all back” “Do you remember Giorgia Meloni gradassa who said ‘a thousand euros to everyone with a click’? We cannot remain passive, making jokes about the gaffes and the twists and turns of this government that reneges on all its promises. The strong message to the government is that it must be pressed every day day after day,” Conte said.

Schlein to Conte: “Let’s work together for minimum wage and income” “Working together against precariousness, for the minimum wage and for income. You did well to mobilize Giuseppe”, said the secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein to the president Giuseppe Conte, after greeting him at the head of the M5s procession. “We wanted to bring a signal of will, to join forces on the issues on which the Movement has chosen to mobilize”, she added.

Conte to Schlein: “We have a long way to go, thanks for being there” “We said to each other: we have a long way to go, but this is absolutely a good passage. Thanks for stopping by.” So the former prime minister turned to the dem leader. “We are open to dialogue, we must work on common battles, on issues and not on summit meetings. I appreciate that Elly Schlein came for the Democratic Party, Fratoianni, many other political, social and civic forces,” Conte said later.

Fratoianni: “Inequalities are on the rise” Also in the square was the leader of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni, who said: “Eliminating income in a country where inequalities are increasing means making war on the poor instead of on poverty. This is what this government does, while picking up controls and justice and destroys all the initiatives to guarantee the ecological transition. And all this happens while the risks of a global catastrophe caused by the escalation of war are increasingly evident. A fossil government”.

Grillo: “Make the brigades of citizenship, put on the balaclava” At the end of the event, the guarantor of the M5s, Beppe Grillo, spoke from the stage set up in Largo Corrado Ricci. “Work is a spell. We must disenchant it. We must not protect work but the worker. There will be a pandemic that will make millions unemployed. And we are not taking any precautions because we are not realizing it,” he said. Unconditional universal income is the only battle we have to carry on,” he added. “Make the citizenship brigades, put on the balaclava and at night, without being seen, do the chores, fix the sidewalks. React”, Grillo said again during his speech.

“Send projects to Conte, sooner or later he will understand them” “Make plans and send them to Conte, sooner or later he will understand them. It takes time but then he will understand them”. So Grillo joked from the stage with the leader of the five stars at the end of the procession.

Foti (FdI): “Shameful Grillo words, apologize to Rome” “The words spoken by Grillo are shameful and indecent. The appeal to form ‘citizenship brigades and put on balaclavas’ evokes a dark past for our nation made up of blood and deaths. Grillo should be ashamed and apologize to all Italians” . This was stated in a note by Tommaso Foti, group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber.

Calenda: “It’s risky to invoke balaclavas, what does Conte say?” Calenda also criticized Grillo. “Invoking balaclavas and violence in the streets is very serious and risky as well as unworthy in a country like Italy, dramatically affected in the past decades. I wonder what you think of Grillo Giuseppe Conte’s words”, said the secretary of Action. “Doing politics and show business are two very different things especially if the show is not funny. We talk to those who want to build an alternative, we are not interested in balaclava fantasies and the like. They bring nothing to those in need and do not move the right an inch to the government,” Debora Serracchiani, Head of Justice, wrote on Twitter

of the Pd.

Gasparri (FI): Grillo man without conscience and without ideas “Grillo is a provocateur. He is a man without conscience and without ideas. It is a painful human case. He should explain his relationships with the shipowners who have financed his site so as not to forget other painful family events. Grillo is the absolute shame. He has brought into politics legions of incompetents. You remain closed in your home. Grillo is a past of shame that must be forgotten to restore the principles of freedom, democracy and truth, “said Forza Italia senator, Maurizio Gasparri.

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