Home » Green board member Ricarda Lang warns of “active consumer deception” with gas heating

Green board member Ricarda Lang warns of “active consumer deception” with gas heating

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Green board member Ricarda Lang warns of “active consumer deception” with gas heating

Ricarda Lang recommends that citizens do without fossil fuel heating when it comes to installing a new heating system. Fossil fuel prices would skyrocket in the coming years.

Lang gives people recommendations

“Greens leader Ricarda Lang urgently appeals to citizens to stop installing fossil fuel heating systems now. “Anyone who convinces people that gas and oil heating is worthwhile is actively deceiving consumers, the time when new oil and gas heating should be installed is over,” she told the newspapers of the Funke media group.

She advises citizens to rely on “tested, affordable, future-proof heating systems”. From January 1, 2024 at the latest, it makes little sense to install new oil and gas heating systems, according to Lang. Because the prices for fossil fuels would skyrocket in the next few years. “Oil and gas heating systems are economically unreasonable.”

The traffic light compromise on the Building Energy Act stipulates that oil and gas heating systems can still be installed until 2028, depending on the status of municipal heat planning. At the same time, the party leader commented on reports of alleged delays in installing a heat pump in the green party headquarters. “We are building a geothermal plant with deep drilling. This has a slightly longer lead time and is significantly more complex than installing a conventional heat pump, which is mainly used in Germany,” she said.

However, the plant will be put into operation before the end of this year. Before the eagerly awaited state council of the Greens on Saturday in Bad Vilbel, Hesse, Lang called for further improvements to the heating law. “It is very important to me that we support citizens when they invest in a new heating system. We are committed to strong social balance, staggered as far as possible according to income,” she told the Funke newspapers.

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With lower incomes, the state should assume up to 80 percent of the costs for a new heating system. In contrast, a millionaire “probably doesn’t need any state support”. In the coalition committee, the Greens initially fought pretty much alone to stagger state funding socially, criticized Lang. “But I am confident that we will now come to good solutions in the parliamentary process.”

Report with material from the dts news agency

Photo: Ricarda Lang, via dts news agency

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