Home » Elim CAN 2023/J5: sterile victory for Togo against Eswatini

Elim CAN 2023/J5: sterile victory for Togo against Eswatini

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Elim CAN 2023/J5: sterile victory for Togo against Eswatini

The 5th day of the CAN Côte d’Ivoire 2023 qualifiers was played this Sunday in pool B. Togo took the upper hand over Eswatini 2-0 against a 3-1 victory for Cape Verde against Burkina Faso . A Cape Verdean victory that eliminates Togo from the race for CAN 2023

The Togo Sparrowhawks had the perfect match this afternoon against Eswatini, winning 2 goals to 0. At the Nelspruit-Mbombela stadium, Togo started with a bang and found the fault in the 14th minute. On a nice deep pass from Ihlas Bebou, Cercle Bruges striker Kévin Denkey managed to dribble past the Eswatini goalkeeper and opened the scoring. The two teams returned to the locker room with this score of 1 goal to 0 in favor of Togo.

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In the second half, Eswatini came back with good intentions and tried to be much more dangerous, but the sparrowhawks’ defense was careful. Eswatini will finally be surprised towards the end of the meeting. The inevitable Placca Fessou Euloge kills Eswatini’s hopes of equalizing by scoring the second goal in the 92nd minute.

The referee ends the game on this 2-0 victory of the sparrowhawks over Eswatini. This victory remains just a formality since Togo is eliminated after this victory of Cape Verde in front of Burkina Faso.

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