Home » On video, the advice of a tiktoker who returned to Argentina after living in Spain: “The best thing was…”

On video, the advice of a tiktoker who returned to Argentina after living in Spain: “The best thing was…”

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On video, the advice of a tiktoker who returned to Argentina after living in Spain: “The best thing was…”

A young woman, who returned to Argentina after living in Spain, told through a TikTok video the reasons why she and her boyfriend made the decision to return to the country.

Known on TikTok under the name @agusoler, the young woman began the video by saying that she returned to live in the Buenos Aires town of Berazategui, in the south of Buenos Aires.

“We are back with my boyfriend since Saturday,” he said.

Video: the advice of the tiktoker who returned to Argentina after living in Spain

The user of the platform said that there were two reasons why they decided to return to the country. “One, because we missed a lot. Although we were able to obtain a lot of stability, security, everything that one is looking for abroad, ”she said, while she highlighted the possibility they had of knowing different countries that were easily accessible and with fast transportation.

“I got to know Italy, I got to know England, I got to know almost all of southern Spain,” he recounted. Along the same lines, Agus listed a series of places that he visited during his stay on that continent.

“We ended up deciding that it was best to return to Argentina, for now. What we need is to be here for our mental health, because we missed a lot, ”she remarked.

In turn, the tiktoker also commented that another reason was for health issues.

“It is always much better to have the support and support of family and friends,” he said.

Also, the girl said that they are currently trying to get used to the schedule and looking for work. “It’s like everything again but it’s different, because one left, came back and has other priorities,” she admitted.

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Finally, Agus warned those who are about to leave: “The experience is beautiful, but hey, there are also many, many, many moments that are very hard.” “I can not complain. But hey, in the sense of my heart he is in Argentina and he needs to be in Argentina ”, he concluded.

Then he made another video about things he misses about Spain.

The comments for the tiktoker

His video received a large number of comments, among which were: “I could not get used to living in Argentina again, I love it but in Spain I am happy”, “I am also going back to Argentina after a year, all the experiences They are different but it is not bad to return”, “Peace is your house, in the other places they are only visits”.

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