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“Monoclonal treatments to avoid hospitalizations and the yellow zone”

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Speak Race. The CTS approves the domiciliary protocol. “An unvaccinated doctor is like a priest who does not believe in God”

PALERMO – Step by step Sicily is heading towards the yellow zone. To try to prevent this from happening, the Regional Health Department has developed a protocol, explains Councilor Ruggero Razza, “To treat less serious cases at home and prevent people from ending up in hospital”.

The protocol for home care was approved and transmitted by the Scientific Technical Committee to the regional government. The occupation of the beds, both in the ordinary Covid wards and in the intensive care units, is the parameter on which the imposition of the color change is based. Analyzing the bulletins of the last few days, Sicily risks going from white to yellow in the days immediately following Ferragosto, therefore still in the height of summer. It would be a further disaster for the already decayed economy of Sicily and the whole of Italy.

Councilor let’s start with vaccines, Sicily is the black jersey in Italy for the number of administrations. What can be done to reverse the trend?
“There is no organizational lack so we can only try to convince those who have not yet done so. I agree with what Prime Minister Draghi said: the vaccine is an indispensable tool. We remain, however, the fifth region for the total number of vaccines used, and above the national average for the number of young people vaccinated ”.

How can you convince the undecided and above all how long can you still wait?
“The Green pass can be useful to convince them, as well as the decision of the Sicilian Technical Scientific Committee which pushes to value the number of vaccinated people when it is necessary to decide on possible closures in the Municipalities. We are working with many mayors who have competed. A healthy competition in the context of the initiatives to be adopted. I am thinking of nocturnal vaccinations in campers as was done in Marzamemi. I remain convinced that the system imagined by President Musumeci with vaccination stimulated by employers is essential to resume economic activities that are no less important than schools in September ”.

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About school. The latest report says that 44% of school staff are not vaccinated. Councilor Roberto Lagalla in recent days has denied Rome, arguing that in Sicily the percentage exceeds 80%. Where is the truth?
“The real numbers are ours. There is no margin for error because the staff is loaded by the Ministry of Education with a nominative reply “.

Another alarming figure is that of unvaccinated health personnel
“The medical order is doing a great job, I talked about it with President Amato. It must be considered, however, that a part of the unvaccinated is registered as an order in Sicily but has been vaccinated outside and many are retired. So it is not internal staff in hospitals. And then there are those who for health reasons cannot get vaccinated. In any case I want to be clear: a health worker who does not get vaccinated is like a priest who does not believe in God ”.

And who doesn’t want to get vaccinated and works in public facilities?
“We must adopt the measures required by law and we have asked companies to be strictly strict”.

The passage in the yellow zone depends on the number of beds. What are you doing to increase the budget?
“At the moment the active beds in the intensive care units are lower than those in the critical phase of the pandemic and will be reactivated. I have already talked about it with the hospital management ”.

What is the number of intensive hospitalizations that we must not reach otherwise Sicily will be yellow?
“Just under eighty, about double the number of patients hospitalized today”.

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Slowly but we are getting closer. Is the yellow zone inevitable?
“I tend to think that we could have the added value of those who took the first dose in July and those who complete it. The data is what I said a few months ago: it is the unvaccinated who end up in intensive care, we must not have an ideological approach to vaccination ”.

Why not create new beds and raise the maximum occupancy threshold?
“There is a limit set by the network beyond which we cannot go”.

So, I repeat, is the yellow zone, continuing with the small daily increases in admissions, inevitable?
“What we are doing is treating less serious cases at home, through a health protocol that was approved yesterday by the Technical Scientific Committee and which also provides for monoclonal therapies. By the way, there are those who claim that the CTS has been sidelined. Whenever there is a change of perspective, we have always asked for his opinion ”.

Luckily, many tourists arrive in Sicily, how do we control them?
“Green pass and tampons: we can’t do anything else. And then there must be the common sense of each of us. If I’m outdoors and there are a lot of people, I always wear a mask ”.

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