Home » Why does body odor change as we age? The scientific answer

Why does body odor change as we age? The scientific answer

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Why does body odor change as we age?  The scientific answer

There are several reasons that trigger a change in body odor with aging – what depends on.

Elderly – imilanesi.nanopress.it

Going forward with age brings about a whole series of changes for our body. Just to give an example, the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, especially on the face, is one of the first signs of aging. But it is not the only one, since it’s not just the physical appearance to be affected by the changes caused by advancing age. Indeed, getting old means change the smell too, as all those who realize the difference as soon as they pass a certain age well know. How does this phenomenon occur? What causes our body to change its smell over the years?

Body odor that changes with aging: the explanation

The change in our body odor has also been ascertained by numerous scientific studieswho specified how in most cases it is slight variationsalmost imperceptible.

Smell of the elderly – Imilanesi.Nanopress.it

However, those who have a particularly developed sense of smell immediately notice what is defined as the ‘smell of the elderly’, but which in reality has a very specific name, i.e. 2-nonenal odor. This denomination derives from the unsaturated aldehyde which releases an odor associated with changes in human body odor as we age.

What does this change entail? Why do older people smell different? Studies have shown that many factors are involved in this process, starting with the activity of bacteria and from a diet which in old age is often different from that of the youthful period.

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Moreover, as evidenced by researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, too the substances emitted by the sebaceous and sweat glands play an important role in this change.

The modification of the smell, in fact, comes from changes affecting secretions and bacteria. Oxidized lipids are therefore formed on the skin of the elderly person, together with degraded unsaturated fatty acids. It is these substances, in most cases, that trigger the change in body odor.

Although the change in smell in elderly people is to be considered a completely normal phenomenon, in some cases a strange smell can also depend on some pathology, such as diabetes or some thyroid problem.

Furthermore, in the event that a new smell occurs, the possibility that it may be should not be overlooked kidney or liver disease.

Therefore, when you notice a change in smell in the elderly person it is always best to consult your family doctor. This is the only way to check whether it is only the normal aging process or if instead there is some other problem.

Smell of the elderly, all the remedies: from deodorant to food

Clearly this change it can be quite worrying for those who find it difficult to be with other people knowing they have an unpleasant smell.

Remedies for bad smell – Imilanesi.Nanopress.it

In cases where the smell is particularly strong, some simple and effective solutions can be used. The most popular remedies are the antiperspirant deodorantswhich manage to put a stop to sweating by blocking the sweat glands.

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However, a good move is also to try change the power supply. Some foods are to be avoided because they could favor the onset of sweating.

Onion and garlic, for example, but alcohol and red meat should also be significantly reduced. On the contrary, to ensure that the skin is always rich in healthy bacteria it is good to include it in the diet a large amount of fruits and vegetables. In this way the unpleasant smell of aging will be much less perceptible.

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