Home » Megalophobia, fear of large objects such as airplanes or skyscrapers: why it occurs and how to cure it

Megalophobia, fear of large objects such as airplanes or skyscrapers: why it occurs and how to cure it

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Megalophobia, fear of large objects such as airplanes or skyscrapers: why it occurs and how to cure it

Your fear of large objects has a name and a cure—here’s what you need to know about megalophobia.

Fears, whether they are irrational or not, characterize every human being, and some suffer from them more than others.

One of the various fears is the megalophobia. It comes with a great sense of anguish or outright terror at seeing large objectssuch as a multi-story building or an airplane in the sky.

Perhaps very few have ever heard of it, but now is the time to find out more. So let’s find out together what it is its trigger and how it can be treated.

Megalophobia: everything you need to know according to the expert’s words

Rodolphe Oppenheimer, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, talks about this phobia explaining the salient features of the same and how it is possible to cure it. This phobia it affects about 3 – 15% of the entire population of the world. And, while it’s less popular than other irrational phobias, it’s still valid and troubles many people every day. A person suffering from such a phobia feels as if crushed and oppressed by objects that have anomalous dimensions compared to those that can be found in everyday life at home or at work.

Between psychoanalysis, hypnosis and pharmacological therapy you can get out of it – TantaSalute.it

Megalophobia it can be the result of a traumatic event that has marked the person’s life affected, trauma that may have been experienced either in childhood or as an adult. For example, if a person gets lost in a very large building he may develop this phobia of not feeling safe in similar places and recalling the negative feelings he experienced during that episode.

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This phobia can greatly compromise the normal course of life of the person who suffers from it because they start to avoid everything that is seen as too big. Indeed, in such cases, yes he could be having a full-blown panic attack and, even, rejecting social interactions. The main symptoms are anxiety attacks, palpitations and tremors, a feeling of dizziness and in the most important cases even fainting.

Megalophobia can be treated just like all other irrational fears. According to Rodolphe Oppenheimer, there are several solutions that can be trusted. As an example:

A path of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis which allows “to gradually defuse his negative thoughts through certain mindfulness and relaxation techniques”;Or again drug treatment or hypnotherapywhich allows the person concerned to dive into his subconscious with the aim of being able to erase his fears and put a positive and rational thought regarding the phobia.

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