Home » Prime Minister Draghi thanked Tripoli for the “bailouts”, quarrel on the left

Prime Minister Draghi thanked Tripoli for the “bailouts”, quarrel on the left

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Roma – Draghi has “mended” with Libya but splits the Democratic Party and raises the left. If no one questions the importance of the Prime Minister’s mission in Tripoli, these are the words of praise he addresses to the Libyan prime minister Dbeibah on migrants and rescues at sea to trigger harsh reactions, postponing the showdown to the vote in Parliament on the refinancing of the mission in Libya in about a month. Or even earlier, with the request to decide on a commission of inquiry into the deaths in the Mediterranean, which for now lies in the drawers of Montecitorio, presented by both the former leader of the Democratic Party, Graziano Delrio that from the radical Riccardo Magi. On the contrary, the center-right appreciates. Giorgia Meloni believes that Draghi is starting “from 2011 and what left the center-right” in terms of Mediterranean policies. For the Undersecretary of Defense, the force man Giorgio Mulè is the right path, charted by Berlusconi.

Dragons on a mission in Libya that is starting again: a role for Italy in exchange for the works

by our correspondent Vincenzo Nigro

Draghi’s statement that raises the uproar is: “We express satisfaction for what Libya is doing, for the bailouts and at the same time we help and assist Libya”. It reacts Matteo Orfini, former president of the Democratic Party, who already led the frond in the House against the Italy-Libya pact on migrants a year ago: “Being satisfied with the systematic violation of human rights is unacceptable. Draghi made a mistake, because words have weight. Even Marco Minniti, the father of the Libyan agreements to stop migrants, has distanced himself from that “model” “.

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The key points are the economic aid to the coast guard (on which there are shadows of complicity with the traffickers of human beings) and the detention centers in Libya, real concentration camps. IS Pietro Bartòlo, the doctor from Lampedusa, today MEP dem to recall the state of affairs: “Draghi did well to go to Libya, but when Libya operates, also supported by Frontex, it takes back the fleeing migrants and brings them back to the detention centers, real lagers “.

The request is that Draghi come to Parliament to illustrate the policies on immigration and Libya. From the left is a tam tam of protests. The Sardine Movement with Jasmine Cristallo attacks: “Draghi’s words are in line with Salvini”. Nicola Fratoianni (SI) judges the statement “indecent and grave”, thus Loredana De Petris, in them Marco Furfaro e Laura Boldrini, Elena Grandi e Luana Zanella of the Greens, Erasmo Palazzotto in Leu.

Humanitarian associations are also protesting, starting with Doctors Without Borders-Italy. IS Lia Quartapelle, that the new secretary Enrico Letta he wanted to be in charge of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Party, to try to rebalance the judgment: “We need to insert those words of Draghi in the new approach: Libyan stability and fight against illicit trafficking”.


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