Home » The highest level of amateur badminton in our province is played in Hangzhou_Zhejiang Online

The highest level of amateur badminton in our province is played in Hangzhou_Zhejiang Online

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The province’s highest level of amateur badminton is played in Hangzhou

2023-06-20 10:45:07 Source: Sports Daily reporter Zheng Runxin

From June 17th to 18th, the finals of the 2023 China Sports Lottery Zhejiang Badminton Club League and China Badminton Association National Fitness Points Competition kicked off in Hangzhou. A total of 228 athletes from 23 teams from all over the province participated. As the finals, the participating teams are all promoted from the top eight teams in the sub-station, bringing together amateur badminton masters from all over the province.

Yang Xiaolu from the Hangzhou Tiandong Team was a professional athlete. After retiring, he taught in colleges and universities for many years. He is quite excited to be able to return to the game. “This event is very good, there are amateurs, and some retired athletes have the opportunity to play.” Yang Xiaolu said frankly that he also saw his students at the scene, children from various school teams in the province, and they also came to participate. People of all levels can participate. The competition is relatively comprehensive.

It is worth mentioning that this event specially set up that each team can sign up for an athlete who has retired for more than five years, which not only provides golfers with the opportunity to compete with national elite players, but also provides exchange opportunities for retired athletes. platform.

Zhang Xiaoping, vice chairman of the Provincial Badminton Association, told reporters that more than 1,200 people participated in the league this year, which not only promoted the development of amateur badminton in various cities, but also further improved the scale and brand effect of the competition. In the next step, the Provincial Badminton Association will take the youth level competition as the starting point to actively cultivate reserve forces; introduce high-level competitions at all levels; further improve the level of coaches and referees, standardize industry standards, and make badminton develop healthier.

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Tags: Badminton; Events; Retired athletes; Participating teams Editor: Bi Zhen

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