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Drosten colleague was “patient zero”

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Drosten colleague was “patient zero”

“According to several government officials,” the first Covid-19 patients in November 2019 were three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV): Ben Hu, Yu Ping and Yan Zhu, the “Twitter Files” report journalists Alex Gutentag, Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi. According to author Alina Chan, Ben Hu was the “model student” of the Wuhan Institute’s “Bat Woman,” Dr. Shi Zhengli, and authored several studies on genetically modified bat corona viruses. Back in January 2021, the U.S. State Department reported that Wuhan lab staff fell ill with COVID-like symptoms in November 2019. A few months later, it was reported that three Wuhan researchers had to be hospitalized in November 2019. “Another report suggested that the wife of a Wuhan researcher died from a COVID-like illness in December 2019,” according to the NGO White Coat Waste. Now the journalists want to know the identity of the three »patients zero«. Ben Hu was the 2017 lead author of the pivotal study on the Wuhan Institute’s 5-year trials of genetically engineered bat viruses Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus. Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance was also a co-author. The study of deadly bat coronaviruses from a cave in Yunnan province was funded by the US Institute for Infectious Diseases NIAID of Dr. Anthony Fauci on the EcoHealth Alliance. The editor of the study in “Nature Medicine” was Dr. Christian Drosten, chief virologist at the Berlin Charité. It can be assumed that the editor knew the chief author of the study professionally. Drosten did not want to comment on this when asked. according to dr Richard Ebright of Rutgers University, this study is clearly about “gain of function” research, namely the induction of increased contagiousness of a “potentially pandemic pathogen”. »Gain of function« research was banned in the USA between 2014 and 2017 due to its high risk of disease and unclear benefits. In 2018-2019, Ben Hu and the WIV received over $41 million from NIAID and development agency USAID for bat coronavirus research, a freedom of information request by NGO White Coat Waste revealed. In 2018, the Wuhan Institute, together with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina $14 million from Pentagon DARPA research to insert so-called “furin cleavage sites” into SARS-type coronaviruses and make them more contagious in humans. DARPA rejected the application due to its high level of danger. According to the London Times, US officials have testified that the same experiments were conducted with EcoHealth funding in 2019, despite Pentagon rejection. According to White Coat Waste, Ben Hu was the research leader. Another “patient zero” at the Wuhan Institute, Yan Zhu, received in 2020 together with Dr. Shi Zehngli an acknowledgment in Dr. Christian Drosten’s controversial study Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR together with his colleague Marion Koopmans from the Erasmus Medical College Rotterdam, in which the PCR test was declared the global gold standard for corona tests. The study was accepted for publication in January after just 24 hours, precluding extensive peer review. In November 2020, a group of colleagues dissected Drosten’s PCR study and found “serious errors” that they felt required retraction or correction. The study “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus” was funded by the EU via the projects Prepare, Compare and the European Virus Archive EVAg, as well as by the EVD-LabNet and the Federal Ministry of Research through the project RAPID and the German Center for Infection Research DZIF. Head of the project “RAPID – Risk Assessment in Prepandemic Respiratory Infectious Diseases”, which was intended to research the much more deadly MERS coronavirus and expressly included “gain-of-function experiments”, was Dr. Christian Drosten. Between 2015 and 2019, the Wuhan Institute received €219,010 from the EU through the European Virus Archive EVAg, which was co-founded by Drosten and works closely with the Wuhan Institute. The EU has also funded the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services IPBES with €4 million, whose chairman from the EcoHealth Alliance Peter Daszak has worked closely with coronavirus researcher Dr. Shi Zhengli works together. “The recent disclosure of US intelligence information that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was the result of high-risk gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that researchers at this institute were the first to become infected with the man-made type of coronavirus shows that what to think of the alleged ‘scientific consensus’ of a zoonotic origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus«, says the Hamburg researcher Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger on the Free World. »The unscientific exclusion of the laboratory hypothesis by branding it a ‘conspiracy theory’ by 27 international virologists in February 2020 and the defamation by the mainstream media of the scientists who believed the laboratory hypothesis to be possible from the start are a particularly impressive example of which There have been undesirable developments in the past three years during the pandemic. Every representative of politics and the media world who refuses to come to terms with these undesirable developments in this particularly critical phase of the recent past is guilty of preventing necessary corrections in decision-making processes and measures in future disasters,” says Dr. Wiesenanger. Also read: FBI: Corona comes from a laboratory accident in Wuhan Tucker Carlson: “We have known for 3 years that Corona comes from the laboratory” US biolaboratory company in Ukraine works with EcoHealth and Wuhan Institute The Deep State, the Bidens, Ukraine and the bioweapons laboratories “Pfizer is trying to produce more potent corona mutants” Drosten defamed colleagues as “lateral thinkers” and “pseudo-experts” Drosten wanted to “attack and reject” the laboratory origin of Corona as early as February 2020 48 top researchers are demanding a ban on bioweapons -like virus research Corona cover-up campaign of the mainstream media continues Drosten is subject to Wiesendanger in court on essential points Why was the gain-of-function research concealed by the Charité? The »Gain-of-Function« research of Dr. Christian Drosten Mr. Drosten, excuse yourself and tell us the truth

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