Home » Dozens of officials in Zhengzhou, Yangzhou, and Zhengzhou are accountable and dismissed due to concentrated epidemic in China | Science and Technology Environment | DW

Dozens of officials in Zhengzhou, Yangzhou, and Zhengzhou are accountable and dismissed due to concentrated epidemic in China | Science and Technology Environment | DW

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(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) A new wave of local new crown pneumonia in China has spread in many provinces and cities. Among them, the number of confirmed cases in Yangzhou, Jiangsu and Zhengzhou, Henan has risen the fastest. In Wuhan, where the epidemic first broke out in early 2020, the city’s nucleic acid test was launched after the first local case reappeared after zero diagnosis in June last year. A total of more than 11 million people were tested on the 8th, and a total of 9 confirmed cases were found.

China’s “The Paper” reported that Wuhan completed sampling and testing of more than 11 million people in just three days. Except for summer school leavers and children under the age of 6, basically all citizens of the city were collected. The 9 cases found were all related to the confirmed cases of a tour group in Huaian, Jiangsu, and there are no signs of expansion of the epidemic.

Li Tao, deputy secretary-general of the Wuhan Municipal Government, said that the total nucleic acid test for all employees has invested more than 28,000 medical staff and more than 180 medical institutions have participated in sampling. In this inspection, Wuhan separately conducted single inspection and mixed inspection in a districted manner. Inspectors implement single inspection for medium-risk areas, and mixed inspections of 10 to 1 for low-risk areas.

As for what is mixed inspection? “The Paper” quoted Xiao Meng, the assistant researcher of the Department of Laboratory Medicine at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, explaining: “For example, if there are 10 people waiting for inspection, and each person is sampled individually, 10 sample tubes will be sent to the laboratory for testing. When 10 samples are mixed together as one sample for testing, it is called “mixed inspection.”

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Xiao Meng said that once a test tube test was found to be positive, the 10 people would be immediately recalled and tested individually. Xiao Meng said that this method can improve efficiency and find positive patients in the shortest time. This is also the current method for full-staff nucleic acid testing in most areas of China.

New outbreaks spread in Yangzhou and Zhengzhou

However, large-scale nucleic acid testing also has its risks. The Commission for Discipline Inspection of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province issued a notice on the 8th that a local nucleic acid testing station had cross-infection, resulting in 23 people being diagnosed. Earlier on the Internet, there was also a video of the crowded and chaotic scene of the Yangzhou nucleic acid testing station.

According to the Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission, Yangzhou City has reported a total of 300 local confirmed cases since July 28, reaching 308. “Yangzhou Daily” reported that the governor of Jiangsu Wu Zhenglong said on the 1st that the outbreak in Yangzhou occurred early and was discovered later. In confined places where people gather, the elderly are mostly elderly. The situation has not yet bottomed out, and the prevention and control situation is very serious. miscellaneous.

This wave of local epidemics in Yangzhou started in the local chess and card rooms, so the initial infections were mostly middle-aged and elderly people. Recently, the local chess and card rooms have been ordered to be closed for disinfection. The deputy head of the People’s Government of Hanjiang District, Yangzhou City said recently that 1122 chess and card rooms in the district have been fully disinfected. In one area of ​​Hanjiang District alone, there are more than a thousand chess and card rooms.

The Zhengzhou epidemic focused on the Sixth People’s Hospital in the city. Since July 30, the city has reported a total of 81 local confirmed cases. At present, this city with a population of more than 10 million is undergoing the third round of nucleic acid testing for all employees, and it is expected that the testing will be completed in the early morning of the 9th.

Dozens of officials were accountable and removed

The current round of the epidemic that began at Nanjing Lukou Airport has resulted in more than 30 Chinese officials being punished.

The accusations against them are mostly for failing to respond appropriately to emerging situations in a timely manner and take effective measures. Among them, 15 officials in Nanjing have been held accountable. Hu Wanjin, the deputy mayor of Nanjing, was punished by government affairs; the former deputy secretary and district mayor Yan Yingjun of Jiangning District (where Lukou Airport) in Nanjing was severely warned by the party and was demoted to a second-level investigator; Party committee of the Nanjing Municipal Health Commission Secretary and director Fang Zhongyou also received serious warnings from the party and was removed from his post.

Earlier, the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee of Henan Province removed Fu Guirong from the posts of Party Secretary and Director of the Municipal Health Commission. At the same time, officials in Jingmen, Hubei and Yangzhou, Jiangsu were held accountable for improper epidemic prevention.

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(Comprehensive report)

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