Home » Eating five walnuts a day: this is what happens to our body

Eating five walnuts a day: this is what happens to our body

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Eating five walnuts a day: this is what happens to our body

They are to be nibbled at snack, or to combine with salads, first and second courses: walnuts are undoubtedly among the most loved and eaten dried fruit. But how many should we eat a day? They’re right?

Yes, as we have mentioned, even if it was once believed that nuts, like the rest of dried fruit, were to be avoided due to their caloric intake, today all nutritionists suggest including them in diets because they are a real panacea.

Let’s find out together what are the benefits of walnuts and what is the ideal dose to take daily.

Properties and benefits of walnuts

Nuts are highly recommended to add to the diet as they are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, valuable for the health of blood vessels; they reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Much research has shown that consuming nuts is important for the proper functioning of our immune system.

Nuts protect us from hypertensionare rich in “good fats” and contain a good percentage of fiber and protein capable of reduce blood sugar.

Not only that: walnuts reduce the sense of satiety, helping not to exceed with caloric income. They are therefore an excellent food to reduce the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Finally, in walnuts we find the amino acid tryptophan in good quantities, precursor of melatonin and serotonin, which promote calm and good sleep.

What happens if you eat too much nuts

Nuts are a great snack, you can add them to a good salad or other type of meal, but what if we abuse them? On the one hand, bad cholesterol is reduced, but on the other, it can be created cardiovascular problems. And it doesn’t just apply to nuts but all kinds of dried fruit.

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If eaten in excess, you can have an excess of fiber which leads to digestive difficulties. And let’s not forget the calorie intake. We know that dried fruit is high in calories, so a limited amount should be consumed from day to day.

The recommended size is maximum 30 grams per day, whether walnut, almond or hazelnut. Their high amount of fructose can take years on your teeth.

Too much dried fruit can disturb digestion, leading to consequences such as vomiting and diarrhea, as well as other gastrointestinal problems.

Don’t let this put you off, as everything can be eaten without worries if it is done in the right recommended doses. A few nuts a day are enough to have amazing benefits.

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