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Coalition in Berlin commits to LNG project on Rügen | > – News

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Coalition in Berlin commits to LNG project on Rügen |  > – News

As of: 06/21/2023 9:23 p.m

Despite the great resistance on the island of Rügen, the Berlin government coalition is sticking to the plan to build a liquid gas terminal there on the coast. This became clear during the first reading of the LNG Acceleration Act on Wednesday evening in the Bundestag.

“If we want to be on the safe side (…), then we need more LNG capacities in the Baltic Sea region,” said Bengt Bergt, deputy energy policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group, in his speech in the Bundestag. The port of Mukran near Sassnitz is to be expressly listed as a location for liquefied natural gas in the LNG Acceleration Act in order to pave the way for faster approval of the terminal.

In the debate in parliament, the FDP also expressly endorsed the project on the island of Rügen. Only Green MP Lisa Badum expressed doubts as to whether the targeted number of new LNG terminals was actually necessary. “From my current perspective, I can’t give a clear yes to that.”

Critics fear negative effects on nature conservation and tourism

Liquefied natural gas should make Germany independent of Russian gas supplies. Several terminals are to be built for LNG imports by 2027 – including on Rügen. However, local critics fear negative effects on nature conservation and tourism.

The mayor of Binz, Karsten Schneider, therefore campaigned for the vote in the Bundestag, which is expected to take place in two weeks, to release the members of parliamentary group discipline. The non-party local politician argued that the decision about the “enormous consequences” must be left to the conscience of every elected official.

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Change in the law before the summer break?

According to the government, the amendment to the law should be passed before the parliamentary summer recess. Mukran is explicitly mentioned in the draft law. Literally it says: “To secure the energy supply, a new location will be included with Mukran on Rügen.” The import of liquefied natural gas could be realized here. In addition, the port infrastructure and the lines are to be further developed for hydrogen in the future.

State government hopes for millions in compensation

The federal government thus clearly rejects the request of the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to remove the Mukran site from the LNG Acceleration Act. Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) had previously failed with her application to the Federal Council, which was also striving for approval of the terminal for a shorter period of time. However, the state government still hopes for financial compensation for the region. It should be about a three-digit million amount from a special federal program, which is not part of the law. The law is to be passed before the parliamentary summer recess on July 7th.

Renewed discussion on the liquefied natural gas project in Binz

The planned LNG project in the port of Mukran was discussed again at a town hall meeting in Binz on Tuesday. Deutsche ReGas and the company Gascade provided information about their project. Around 200 guests accepted the invitation of the two companies to the Binz Kurhaus. Deutsche ReGas said that Germany could show solidarity with other EU countries with the Mukran site. 100 experts are currently preparing a two-part application. For the first part of the offshore pipeline from Lubmin to Mukran, the first of these is expected to be presented on June 30th. When asked by the audience, ReGas Supervisory Board Chairman Stephan Knabe explained that possible effects on tourism were not examined in the approval process.

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Further information

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wanted to achieve stricter requirements for landing liquefied natural gas on Rügen. more

Around 200 participants asked the company questions about possible noise pollution and the use of fracking gas. more

As long as no terminal has been approved in Mukran, no pipeline may be advanced, according to the organization. more

The municipality of Binz on Rügen is stepping up the fight against the planned terminal in the port of Mukran. Legal action is also being considered. more

The Federal Ministry of Economics replies that the state government has always made intensive efforts to have a terminal on the Baltic Sea in MV. more

This topic in the program:

NDR 1 Radio MV | News from Mecklenburg-West Pomerania | 06/21/2023 | 22:00 O’clock

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