Home » Carin León released her new album and talked about the possibility of collaborating with L-Gante

Carin León released her new album and talked about the possibility of collaborating with L-Gante

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Carin León released her new album and talked about the possibility of collaborating with L-Gante

carin leonthe Mexican regional singer, a rhythm that, in recent months, has become popular in Argentina thanks to the collaborations of the Mexican Featherweight con Nicki Nicole y BizarrapHe launched “Milk Fang”, his new album.

“It is an album to which we dedicate a lot of time and a lot of love,” he explained. León in dialogue with Music Profile: “It is a different proposition. We wanted to change our regional and our way in which we want to show regional Mexican music”.

Carin León released “Milk Fang” (CZ)

In addition, the artist explained that it is a very personal recordas he navigates through the different genres that he grew up with and that shaped him as an artist.

“For me to bring influences and Breaking the mold is my natural state. I think that doing the same thing always tends to get boring and always fall into the same thing, and that’s why I really like to merge”, reflects the artist.

Although it is an album made up of 18 songs, a rarity in these times where albums usually contain around 10 songs, Carin clarified that many songs were left out, and that, the final setlist was decided in relation to what he and his team considered to be a good match for the concept of “Fang of Milk”.

Among the 18 tracks, it displays a large number of top-level collaborations such as Pablo Alborán, Ángela Aguilar and Camiloamong others.

The Mexican artist added several international artists for his new album (CZ)

– How was working with these artists?

– It was quite natural. With Pablo (Alborán) we had already made a song on his record. It arises from Instagram, from the admiration I have for his music. Pablo invited me to do a song and I invited him to do another. A Camilo We invited him when we already had the theme finished. The puzzle lacked a voice and it was Camilo’s voice. I said: “I need to have all that sensitivity that Camilo has.” And with Ángela the same, in a bohemia that we were in, she heard the song and she liked it a lot and said “I’ll get on it”.

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– How do you choose the artists you collaborate with?

– Me I like that collaborations arise from something natural and with the sense of making music and they are not looking for numbers or looking for a media profit because this artist is in fashion or is stuck. I like to honor music and that music always wins.

I like to honor music and that music always wins.

“Milk Fang” is the final name that Carin León chose to baptize. However, at first he was going to carry another title, “With honors”, which is one of the songs included in the album’s tracklist. “The album before releasing the other songs had another background, it had another vibe,” explained the singer.

– Why is it called “Milk Fang”?

– I have this tusk (points to his mouth), which never fell off, which is made of milk. And I had some problems and it started to fall off. So, by the time she was naming the record, she felt like “With honors”, it did not meet the context, nor did it tell what I wanted to say with the album. So, when he (the tusk) fell out, I was going to put “milk tooth” and then I realized it was the canine, and it clicked with many things and I put “Milk tooth”.

– What kind of things?

– “Colmillo”, in Mexico we call the person who has a lot of experience. And I thought I was a person who already knew them all and everything had happened And when this happened, and I realize that the fang I have is made of milk, life hits me where I realize that I know nothing about anything. So I made an analogy. Besides, they are the initials of Carin León.

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Carin León is one of the benchmarks of the Mexican regional. (CZ)

Carin is one of the great references of the Regional Mexican genrewhich now has a subgenre known as “Lying down”, which began to become popular in Argentina thanks to the collaborations that the artist has Pluma weight with Nicki Nicole in “At night”, and with Shaving in su “Session Vol. 55”.

– What is the difference between Regional Mexican and Corrido Tumbado?

The Mexican Regional is popular music where all the folklore of Mexico comes together what the people talk about. It is one of the popular genres that has remained current in the taste of Mexicans. Nowadays. It’s having such a boom that people are starting to merge things together. He is beginning to speak in a more neutral and general language. A little bit cooler, a little bit more for the youth. Before the Regional Mexican it was dedicated to a slightly more adult audience.

– And the corridos lying down?

And I am very pleased with what is happening with the corridos, which have existed since time immemorial and are part of Mexican culture. It is part of the Mexican DNA, from Pancho Villa and the corridos of the revolution. And it’s like a newspaper, it tries to tell what is happening today and to tell the story of the brave and the thugs.

It is part of the Mexican DNA, from Pancho Villa and the corridos of the revolution.

– Is it still that way today?

– Today it is the same, it tells the story of our life on the street, of the daily life that young people have. And it has been mutating, its lyrics have been changing, its melodic structure has been changing, I find it very interesting what young people are daring to achieve that soundto change colors, to change letters, to change textures.

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The corridos on request.

One of the great controversies of the lying down corridos are the famous “corridos to order“, in which the artists receive a lot of money from powerful men, including drug lords, to compose a song talking about them and their “feats”.

– How much truth is there in this?

– I think that today the theme of lying down corridos is a little more general. It is not spoken as much as in the corridos per commission or the authorized corridos that were used a long time ago. But obviously, It is also part of the corrido culture, although it happened more before. But now it is a little more general.

Carin León assured that she spoke with L Gante to work together. (CZ)

At the moment, the Mexican artist does not have a fixed date to come to Argentina to present music, although He confessed that it is one of the countries he is most interested in visiting because of the musical and cultural background it has.

“The rock scene in Argentina has influenced me a lot and I still continue to play my music,” he reflected.

Regarding the current urban scene, he admitted that is in talks with L-Gante to work on a project together and closely follow artists like Maria Becerra y Tini.

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