Home » Sun protection: Four mistakes that you should absolutely avoid

Sun protection: Four mistakes that you should absolutely avoid

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Sun protection: Four mistakes that you should absolutely avoid

We all know that intense UV radiation can not only lead to sunburn, but also to skin cancer. Good sun protection is now a must in summer. Here are four mistakes you can avoid:

Mistake 1: Thinking of a tan as something healthy

Because it is not, as dermatologist Daniela Hartmann from the Munich Clinic Thalkirchener Straße warns. Tanning is our skin’s attempt to protect itself from further damage from the sun’s rays.

Specifically, this happens: When the sun’s UV rays hit our skin, the skin pigment melanin is formed there. In addition, existing melanin darkens. The skin pigment lies protectively over the cell nucleus in the skin cells to prevent further damage to the genetic material, as described by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS). Damage to the genetic material can lead to skin cancer.

However, this protective mechanism through a tan has its limits – and it can by no means replace sunscreen. According to dermatologist Hartmann, the body’s own tan has a maximum sun protection factor of four to six. A good sunscreen provides a sun protection factor of 30 to 50.

Mistake 2: Not applying enough sunscreen

A small dab for the whole leg or back – that’s not enough. According to Daniela Hartmann, most people only use a quarter to half the amount of sunscreen that is needed for good protection.

In order to actually achieve the sun protection factor stated on the package, you should use two milligrams of sunscreen per square centimeter of skin. The magazine “Öko-Test” has translated this guideline into spoons: In order to protect themselves from head to toe, adults need three to four tablespoons of sunscreen.

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Mistake 3: Only use sunscreen on the beach or lake

Maybe you know this from the past: The sunscreen was taken with you on trips to the open air pool or on vacation, but it played no role in normal everyday life.

Everyday sunscreen is very important in summer, as Daniela Hartmann emphasizes. Because even when we cycle to work or treat ourselves to a cappuccino outside during our lunch break, we are exposed to UV radiation. It can cause damage even if we don’t roast in the sun for hours and get sunburned.

Because: According to dermatologist Hartmann, our skin does not forget. UV damage accumulates over the years – and in the worst case can lead to skin cancer. In addition, UV radiation causes our skin to age faster.

Mistake 4: Not protecting your eyes from the sun

The eyes can also get a kind of sunburn, which is called photokeratitis in medicine. If UV radiation hits the eyes at high intensity or over a longer period of time, there is a risk of painful inflammation of the retina and cornea, as the portal “haut.de” writes.

Typical symptoms are eye pain, a feeling of grains of sand in the eye, blurred vision and increased sensitivity to light. And: There is a risk of permanent damage to the retina and cornea.

A pair of sunglasses protects against this. But it shouldn’t necessarily be the model with the small, round lenses. Because then, according to haut.de, there is a risk that the UV radiation will hit the eyes from the side. Also important when buying: The glasses should be marked with information such as “UV-400”, “100 percent UV protection” or the CE mark.

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