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Emotional gold in World Cup in Egypt

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Emotional gold in World Cup in Egypt

Julian Andres Santa

Great performance by the swimmer from Risaraldense Nikol Dayanna Ortega in the Finswimming World Championship that takes place in Cairo, Egypt, where the athlete has won two medals, one silver in the 4×50 meter mixed surface test and yesterday he achieved a youth record with his brand, achieving the gold medal, leaving the flag of the country and the department at the top.

set his record

At 17 years old, Nikol Ortega continues to make history and reached the gold medal with a brilliant time of 0:36:87, thus setting a new world record. “It was quite a tough process, days of training, body pain but this was worth it. I want to thank the Ministry of Sports of Colombia, the Risaraldense League of Underwater Activities and the Risaralda Sports Secretariat for helping me to be here”, said the Risaraldense from Egypt.

with special dedication

When asked to whom his two medals are dedicated so far, Nikol replied: “First of all I dedicate it to God, to my parents because thanks to them I have managed to stand out in my discipline and I also give special thanks to my coach Cristian Delgado for focusing so much on me and helping me in a fundamental way in this process to achieve this result”.

Risaraldians present

Continuing with the good news from our athletes, from July 7 to 15 in Canada, the Underwater Rugby World Championship will be held, where Risaralda will also be represented by the athletes Oriana Ospina Valencia and Juan Alberto López Ramírez.


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The World Junior Finswimming Championships will culminate in Cairo tomorrow Saturday.

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