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Positive sentiment record for holidays in Italy

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Positive sentiment record for holidays in Italy

The positive sentiment for holidays in Italy is growing

81.12% of online Italians express a positive sentiment regarding tourism. This is a record figure never recorded before, 2.11% higher than last year’s data, when a very strong increase was also recorded. This is what emerges from a research conducted by Vis Factor, a leading corporate group at national level in institutional, political and corporate strategic positioning, through Human, its exclusive platform of social listening created with an algorithm based on Italian semantics by Italian developers.

The places most mentioned in the online conversations of Italians related to tourism are Rome (10.55%), Florence (8.75%) and Naples (5.23%), while the subject in general jumps to fifth place of the most discussed topics online, with 10.20% spoken, after the environment (18.04%), economics (16.86%), politics (15.29%) and school (12.55%). Compared to last year there is a +3.12% of conversations about tourism.

A focus of the research concerns the island of Capri, example of tourism of excellence at an international level. The perception of Italians towards the island is even positive at 88.56%, with an increase of 4.62% compared to 2022. The words most associated with Capri make tourists dream: they range from natural beauties (stacks, grotto blue, sea), to VIP tourists (Ferragni and Hunziker, who have visited the island in recent days), to the imagery that has made the island iconic over time (luxury, vip) and which makes it a popular destination worldwide.

“There is an increasing desire for Italy – comments Tiberio Brunetti, founder of Vis Factor -. Last year we already expected a physiological increase in sentiment after the drop in confidence due to Covid in 2020 and 2021, but the data for 2022 and this year in particular are absolutely extraordinary. The volume of conversations increases, all the main words most typed by Italians are positive. It is necessary to continue to focus on the Italian brand, which is what this is doing Governmentcommunicating, both to Italians and foreigners, an integrated offer that nobody else country in the world can offer in such a varied and extraordinary way beauty, culture, history, production and hospitality”.

“We have elaborated a focus on Capri which represents a unicum: it is a halfpopular by knowledge but exclusive by perception. It encloses in a small space a very high number of natural beauties, some of which are considered among the most beautiful in the world. It is frequented by the international jet set which continues to fuel a fascinating historical myth. Even the sentiment on Capri is close to 90% of positive data, a real record. We could say that Capri is the destination that all Italians dream of. And dreaming costs nothing” he concludes Brunetti.

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