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It is very important that everything is transparent, as it always has been

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It is very important that everything is transparent, as it always has been

Marta Vidal has been the electoral judge of Córdoba since 1998. And she will be for these elections, the seventh in her career, in which the province’s governor will be elected.

“It is very important that everything is transparent. As it has always been,” Vidal said about the electoral process on Sunday, which will include, in addition to the already well-known Single Vote Ballot (BUS), a new scrutiny system.

–They campaigned strongly on how to use the single ticket. Do people know what they vote for?

-In general, people are half apathetic with the elections. In this case in which there are so many boards, the three orders are added: the Province, the Municipality and then the Nation, which includes Paso, general and double tour. There is, until the end of the year, a quantity that makes people, over there, a little tired. In any case, in the case of our tool, which is the single ticket, it is the fourth time that we are going to use it since 2011. It is better than the traditional ticket.

–From the new technology that is going to be used, the provisional count will be faster. At 9:30 p.m. could we have an idea of ​​what happened at the polls?

–I don’t like to talk about exact schedules, because one gets hooked. And if it doesn’t come out at that time… This depends on the tables. There are tables that are faster to count, and others that take longer. I know people who carry posters with the divisions of the parties and they make the famous sticks there. And there is the scrutiny of the table. In this case, the “touring” system, with which the provisional scrutiny will be made, computes by schools. Inside each school there will be a specific area with a scanning machine from which the result will come out.

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–The system replaces the people who previously uploaded the minutes. The scanner reads the forms and puts them into a system. Is it so?

-It’s good because the table president, together with all the prosecutors and the one who made the minutes, can decipher their own numbers. He can see it on the screen and he sees it on the chart, and he checks his own numbers. For example, if he makes a 4 similar to a 9, it is corrected right there on the screen. And he comes out scanned and with everyone’s signature.

–So, until 9:00 p.m. we will not have any report from the Justice?

–Maybe at 9:00 p.m. we will have… We are going to get the results as they come out. We will not withhold any percentage. Do you know why? Because we also have four locations with electronic voting, which will go out quickly. Marcos Juárez, where it was implemented for the first time, and the law tells us that, systematically and progressively, electronic voting must be done in Córdoba. And also La Falda, Cosquín. And this time Carlos Paz is added, in a double modality: not only will he vote for provincial authorities, but he will also vote for mayor, councilors and tribune of accounts. All on the same screen.

–Can these towns be very fast?

-We told the company that does electronic voting to stop a little…

–Because you could have a sample of what happened in the rest of the province.

–And because there may still be people voting.


-There are always sensitivities in the parties regarding the proper handling of data. We have the precedent of 2007, where there were challenges by Luis Juez, who was the loser. In this case, a close result is anticipated.

It is very important that everything is transparent. As it has always been. At least, from what I’ve seen. Maybe sometime I can talk about the elections in 2007, but when I’m no longer in office. There, I will be able to speak from my perspective. We have worked in the same way in so many elections that we have made. And this is an election to which we incorporate the “touring” system, especially for the media, to whom we give faster responses. It is a system that we saw how it worked in Marcos Juárez, in Neuquén, in Tierra del Fuego, and we liked it. There is no need to fear it because, when talking about Artificial Intelligence, it seems something strange. But it is nothing more than a simple scan, like a photocopier. In addition, it is done in front of the table presidents, of the prosecutors. And each one takes a copy.

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–Telegrams are no longer sent, they were loaded in the computer center. That no longer exists.

The telegram hasn’t existed for a long time. It was the certificate, the scrutiny record.

–What is true about that that the load can be handled according to the most favorable place for one force or another? In Buenos Aires, La Matanza is always loaded later. Here, what is coming is coming out?

–We don’t have to be so… We must be more relaxed for the elections. The Cordovan, in general, is not relaxed. There are always some suspicions being seen.

The political parties say…

That is my experience that has been going on for years. You have to be calm. As tables come in, this happens. Río Cuarto, for example, enters last; and Córdoba capital, first. And when the Capital enters, perhaps in the interior it is another result. And that can turn an election around. That happened in La Matanza with Pinki, for example.

The date

–We have had the frustration of not being able to see a debate between the main candidates for governor. At the national level, the law regulates that and also the electoral schedule. In Córdoba, there are frames but there is a lot of discretion. What do you think about that? Would it be better to set the date of the elections and the debate by law?

–Nationally, we have Paso on the second Sunday of August; the fourth Sunday of October, the general ones; and a month later, the second round. In Córdoba, we do not have it. But I don’t want to give an opinion, we would say from Cullen against Llerena, on non-justiciable political issues.

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– But isn’t it more orderly when Justice has the dates?

-Yes Yes. We always have the problem of the schedule. It is very adjusted for the Electoral Justice. The pre-electroral stages are not for tomorrow… they are for yesterday. In these matters we can be wrong because we are against the clock. Both with the ballot, as with the officialization of the lists… The one in Córdoba is a very comprehensive and complete reform. In the province, we not only vote with the single ballot, something that does not happen anywhere else in the country. In addition, here the blind vote autonomously with a die-cut form and braille system. And foreigners who have signed up do it.

How will your Sunday be?

–From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., people vote. Let people know that after 6:00 p.m. the school closes and those who are inside the school vote. I will be in court. We have a court with two chamber members. I am not the only one who works. We are going to divide the places. Our bunker is on Caseros street. In some cases we have been there until 6 in the morning.

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