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“Let’s build on Sergio Massa’s victory”

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“Let’s build on Sergio Massa’s victory”

The Minister of the Interior, Eduardo ‘Wado’ de Pedro, supported today the consensus formula of Union for the Fatherland (UxP) -made up of Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi- and called for a “without personalism or selfishness” military to obtain victory in the elections.

The country faces great challenges. I have always been a militant and I will continue to contribute to this project from the place that touches me, without personalism or egoism. We are going to build the victory of Sergio Massa president and Axel Kicillof governor ”, De Pedro published on his Twitter account, after the consensus formula formed by Massa and Rossi was announced yesterday.

Thank you for the commitment and affection to all those who were there and dared to dream. Thanks to the militancy and the leaders of all sectors for the work and affection, ”said De Pedro in his publication, after declining his claim to run for President.

And he finished his post: “To work and military with everything that this is just beginning.”

Sergio Massa: «Thank you dear Wadito. For your effort and unity»

The Minister of Economy and candidate for president of the Union for the Homeland (UxP), Sergio Massa, today thanked his Interior colleague, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, for his “effort and unity”, by declining his own presidential candidacy for the PASO.

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«Thank you Wadito dear. For your effort and unity, even when you were facing your own challenge. I hope all your colleagues find out about the effort you made. United for the Homeland! », Massa published on Twitter, in her first public statement after announcing last night the pairing that she will integrate with Agustín Rossi.

Massa’s post was in response to an earlier tweet from De Pedroin which he had expressed his support for the consensus formula announced last night.

“The country faces great challenges. I have always been a militant and I will continue to contribute to this project from the place that touches me, without personalism or selfishness. We are going to build the victory of President Sergio Massa and Governor Axel Kicillof”, stated De Pedro.

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