Home » People were surprised that the psychopath Skácel had a gallery! The goalkeeper of Sigma about life after his career and his friend Saudek

People were surprised that the psychopath Skácel had a gallery! The goalkeeper of Sigma about life after his career and his friend Saudek

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He caught the English legend Lampard’s penalty, he was the number one player for Olomouc and the national team. The path to a great career was opening before him. However, he had a sharp dispute with the then boss of Sigma Kubíček. But the former goalkeeper Jindřich Skácel was not born for team sports anyway, he confesses the cult of the star. Now, for the twelfth year, he has been successfully running a gallery in Prostějov. “I am my own master, this fulfills me,” says the 43-year-old man labeled as a rebel in an interview with Sport.cz.

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