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Kaleidoscope José Peñuela June 25, 2023 – 5:00 AM

Anti-market rhetoric

The former Minister of Finance, Mauricio Cardenasheld that “Gustavo Petro’s proposals at the summit convened by Emmanuel Macron are good, but by covering them with totally unnecessary anti-market rhetoric, they produce distrust that subtracts and does not add up when it comes to generating an impact.”

Petrist balance

The Senator of the Democratic Pole, Wilson Ariasstressed that “We managed to approve the health and pension reform in the first debate, we approved Matrícula Cero, the creation of the agrarian jurisdiction, peasantry as a subject of protection and reduction of vacations for congressmen. We will not give up, we will present the labor reform again!”

Retrieve the Cortissoz

The senator from La U, Joseph David Namepointed out that “Recovering the Ernesto Cortissoz airport, one of the most important air terminals in the country, the cradle of aviation in Colombia, is a goal that must unite the forces of the department and the national government.”

sign against populism

the former minister Juan Carlos Pinzon highlighted his meeting with “President Lech Walesa, the Solidarity worker leader who broke the chains of oppression, and Nobel Peace Prize winner who did not give in to communism. With leaders like John Paul II, Ronald Reagan and Margareth Thatcher they tore down the Berlin Wall. Today he is firm against populism”.

radicalizing is easy

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The representative to the Chamber for the Green Alliance, Cathy Juvinaotold President Gustavo Petro that “During the legislative recess, you have the immense opportunity to convene a public roundtable for agreement on the reforms: parties, academia, unions, civil society. Being radicalized is easy; arrange, what is responsible”.

“pathetic” pact

The Senator of the Democratic Center, Enrique Cabralestrino: “How pathetic the Historic Pact looks, assuming the reduction of the legislative recess as its own initiative. Colombia knows that it was a fight for the Democratic Center, headed by Gabriel Santos. I repeat: the legislative balance of Gustavo Petro and his two Interior Ministers is poor ”.

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